The twenty tools that are listed below will help you cover all facets of blogging tools. Some will help you get the message out more efficiently, others will help you write more quickly, complete your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) more quickly, and will even help you find images more quickly.
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Some may be used to save time by helping you to avoid problems in advance, and some offer you efficient services for altering your images, becoming more productive, and even making your traffic research less time consuming.
20 Blogging Tools to Make You More Productive and Help Work Faster
#1. MailChimp or Constant Contact
These two companies do the same thing. They allow you to build a subscriber list, quickly create newsletters, and then send them out. Their templates and tools will save you hours of email designing and email dissemination.
#2. Google Webmaster Tools
Do not pay optimization companies when you can manage your biggest issues with a free Google Webmaster Tools account. Use it to quickly learn what you should alter about your website to make it more search engine friendly.
#3. WordPress Yoast SEO
This SEO plugin will simplify your on-page SEO efforts dramatically. It makes the process of optimizing your blog posts very quick. The program uses a red, amber and green light system. You can still publish if the light is red, but your content may only need a small tweak in order to get it back into green.
#4. Buffer
Pay for a full account, set up a month’s worth of social media posts, tie them with the blog posts that are scheduled, and let the tool and your blog post scheduler do all the hard work. You can write your blog posts in advance in one big sitting instead of writing them weekly.
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#5. Gimp
Don’t pay for expensive photo editing tools when you can have Gimp for free. It takes just as long to work and Gimp as it does with any paid photo editor.
#6. Language Tool
Do you typically write with one version of English, but your blog requires another? Write in your desired styles, set this tool to your required style, and let it point out where you spelled words differently.
#7. Meme Generator
Want some funny pictures and memes, but you don’t fancy setting them up on Microsoft Paint? Let the Meme Generator do the formatting while you simply add the text and image into the tool. It is far quicker than manually making your own.
#8. Assignment Masters
Having trouble writing about an academic subject? Is there something you have to cover that is a little over your head or a little too complicated? Have an academic writer create your post for you, especially if your readers will be able to spot if your knowledge on your chosen subject is lacking.
#9. Death To Stock
Every month you receive a fresh batch of free images that you are able to use as you please. Most bloggers get away with stealing images from Google, but if your post go viral, or they are controversial, then you may experience problems.
Companies such as CNN have been known to come down hard on bloggers, and they will use any excuse they can to have you banned from Google and social media networks, so don’t give them an excuse by stealing copyrighted images.
#10. Convert Case
Have you had to copy a list or copy text and the case is all wrong? Or, have you written a piece and now you need to format it with a capitalized case or sentence case? Maybe you need to capitalize the first letter of each of your headers. The Convert Case tool will do it all for you and it will do it for free.
#11. Egg Timer
Are you being as productive as you should be? Time yourself with Egg Timer and try to lower the amount of time you spend being distracted. You may also try to write and beat the clock as a way to motivate yourself.
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#12. Drop Box
Forget backing up your blog and spending hundreds for the privilege. Simply save your blog post draft every time you finish writing it. Save your blog post as a document on your computer, grab it, drag it over to the DropBox icon, and drop it.
Save a copy in your DropBox account for free every time you write a blog post, and you have a copy available for if you ever have problems.
#13. Wunderlist
There are plenty of list making apps on the Internet, but Wunderlist is one of the best. It is one of the most simple and effective list making apps. Make lists of things you need to do, topics you need to cover, and make lists of what you intend to research.
#14. Twitter Trending Topics
Want a current topic to write about? Try Twitter trending topics. If it is good enough for the creators of South Park, then it is good enough for you.
#15. CopyScape
Have you rewritten a news article that you saw online and now you want to check to see if you copied bits verbatim? Don’t go over it all line-for-line, just run it through CopyScape to see where yours and the original are similar.
#16. Blogger’s Scheduling Tool
Any scheduling tool will help free up your time. They allow you to sit down and write a series of blog posts and then schedule them to be release throughout a number of weeks, which frees you from the burden of manually publishing them.
#17. Google Analytics
The Google Analytics program is very complicated, but it is also free, and it has simple functions that even amateurs can grasp. Get a quick look at your traffic and analyze it, or learn more about Google Analytics and conduct deeper research into your blog traffic.
#18. Libre Office
This is a completely free writing program that comes with many Microsoft Office features. It allows you to open and close Microsoft documents too. The program is open source, so you may alter the program to make it more efficient for you personally.
#19. Gravatar
Want comments on your blog, but you don’t want to go through the hassle of creating a universal comment system, try Gravatar instead and attract comments from other bloggers and online forum posters.
#20. QuickSprout
Still having trouble ranking up your website, but you don’t want to spend too long doing research. Simply do research into your competitor blogs with QuickSprout, and do research into your own website to see what you and your competitors are doing differently.
Author Bio: William Grigsby is a keen shooter and a well-known forum commenter. He spends most of his days writing on forums, or creating new blog posts for various websites. He lives in an eco-house and frequently places in upcycling competitions.