There were over 609,000 certified civil pilots in the United States at the end of 2017. Flying is a popular activity for many who dream of taking to the skies.
To get there, all pilots must work with a certified flight instructor. Whether it’s taking their first flying lesson or upgrade their rating, finding a place to learn is vital to anyone looking to develop their piloting skills.
With many aviation schools to choose from, you want to make sure people notice your pilot school. Having a good blog will help draw pilots and prospective pilots to your business.
If you haven’t started a blog yet, you should. And when you do have a blog, you’ll need to offer eye-catching content to make sure the blog stands out.
To help you manage this, we’ve come up with 5 great topics your blog should cover.
5 Great Topics for Pilot School Blogs
#1. Pilot’s Medical Certification
All pilots who are not designated as a sport pilot must have a BasicMed certification to fly. This involves an online application and a physical exam by an FAA designated Medical Examiner.
This requirement creates questions for current pilots and those hoping to become a pilot.
Because new requirements took effect last year, many pilots and prospective pilots are looking for this information.
#2. An Introduction to Flight Training
While some pilots will be looking to upgrade current certifications, many will be new to the idea of pilot school. Providing information can help students learn about the process and what your business can offer them.
First person accounts by other students can be a great way for blog readers to connect to the school and find out about what they can expect.
#3. Why Pilots Should Learn About IFR
Receiving instruction in instrument flight rules (IFR) offers many benefits for pilots.
IFR flight training is a given for those looking to become professional pilots. However, all pilots can benefit from this training, making it a popular topic among pilots looking to receive more flight instruction.
Blogging about IFR training is sure to appeal to many pilots.
#4. Aviation Jobs
While some pilots may just be interested in flying as a hobby, others are interested in eventually finding a job in the aviation industry. Discussing the types of aviation jobs available and current industry trends will help draw in readers looking to make a career out of flying.
#5. School Updates
This is a great place to discuss what’s new with your business. Those looking at training will be interested in what’s new and noteworthy.
Offering new courses? Get new equipment or some great new instructors? A blog can spread this information and attract readers interested in receiving training.
Keep Blogging
Knowing what topics will generate interest in your business will help make it successful. Blogging about the right topics can make all the difference.
And don’t forget to get those blogs out there. Posting your blog as a guest post can help reach new audiences and improve the reach of your blog.
Now you know what topics you can use to help your pilot school stand out. Time to fire up that keyboard and make it happen!