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8 SEO Tips That Will Improve Your Web Design

8 SEO Tips That Will Improve Your Web Design

Impeccable website design is essential for every website’s success. However, if you don’t focus on SEO efforts, the truth is that no one is going to get to see it. That is why you need to consider a variety of basic SEO principles.

While the world of SEO is constantly evolving and requiring from users to adjust their practices, it isn’t as tough as some people make it out to be. There are certain things that you can do that will surely help you rank high in search engine results.

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Here are 8 SEO Tips that will Improve your Web Design

#1) Make Sure Every Page has Titles and Descriptions

Each and every page on your website needs to have a unique title and description. This basically means having brief texts that properly explain what your business is all about.

The perfect way to go is to mix in some keywords and phrases. The short phrase that pops up when you hover over a tab in your browser is the title of the page.

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The meta description may not be visible here, but it doesn’t mean it’s not equally important for your SEO efforts.

The title and meta description are some of the main factors for a high ranking on Google. When your website shows up, as a result people will be able to read the title and description and decide whether they are interested in checking you out.

#2) Make Use of Anchor Text

When you are writing text for your site, you need to think about where you can use anchor text. It’s the text that your website visitors can click on in order to be taken directly to another web page.

Anchor text is effective when it enables users to quickly and easily find what they are looking for on your website.

It needs to contain keywords and phrases related to what your business is about. For example, if you are selling shirts, using something like “Check out our variety of shirts” on your homepage to lead the visitor to the right page is the way to go. However, remember that you mustn’t use anchor text excessively.

#3) Make Sure all Your Images have Alt Text

While search engines are certainly capable of thoroughly checking out the text on your website, they still have trouble deciphering the images that you use. In order for them to understand what’s on the image, they need the proper alt text, which is a brief and precise written description of an image.

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Therefore, when you write the alt text, make sure that you properly describe what is on the image. You should, however, try to include the name of your business and some keywords if you can.

#4) Speed up Page Load Time

The fact about Google is that it likes fast websites. This is because it cares about the overall user experience that a visitor may have on your website.

To keep your website fast may prove to be a challenge if you are using big images and a lot of Javascript for items such as sliders or parallax scrolling.

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Nevertheless, there are ways that you can make sure that the speed of your website is optimal. For example, you can minify CSS and Javascript with online tools like CSS Minifier and Javascript Minifier.

There is also a variety of programs out there that you can use to compress and optimize your images. Finally, you can combine scripts, in order for them to load faster.

#5) Use Headers to Create the Right Structure

It is essential that each and every page on your website has a title and a subtitle, and more. If you properly structure the text hierarchy, search engines will have less trouble understanding your content.

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The title of your page is the most important factor, so it should be defined as H1. Your H1 headings need to describe what the page’s content is about. There shouldn’t be more than one H1 per page.

Therefore, think about what you write, and make use of keywords. After H1 comes H2, H3, etc. The better you structure your website, the easier it will be for search engines to take in your content.

#6) Focus on Social Media

Another important factor for SEO is social media. By engaging with your fan base, you can boost the quality of backlinks to your website.

Furthermore, sharing your website on your profiles will bring you more traffic, and lead to a higher ranking.

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For great Google interaction, you can focus on Google+. For example, if you are running a blog, you should link the author meta data to your account. It might even lead to your posts appearing in search engine results.

#7) Get Quality Backlinks

Your ranking will be greatly improved if you manage to get other websites, specifically ones that have high domain authority and great PageRank, to link content within your site.

A blog can help in building organic backlinking, but there is a variety of things that you can do yourself. This includes the great practice of guest blogging.

A thing that you must avoid at all cost is paying for backlinks. By doing this, you risk getting blacklisted from Google for having links on sites that are potentially not trustworthy.

#8) Optimize Your Content

According to experts, content is what drives your website, and one of the main things that search engines care for.

You need to write high-quality content, but you must also pay close attention to its structure, including headings, links, and paragraphs.

Websites that don’t have a lot of content usually have trouble ranking high on search engines. However, if you properly design your site, and use, for example, a technique for CSS background image text replacement, you can remedy that.


Your website design means little without proper SEO efforts. You should follow these 8 SEO tips in order to improve your web design and reach better ranking on SERPs.

8 SEO Tips That Will Improve Your Web Design
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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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