Here I am going to talk about something imperative from an SEO perspective. If you are still confused, it’s about one of the most important technique for on-page SEO optimization, the nofollow links and how to add nofollow tag to a link.
It’s much needed for every webmaster to have knowledge about nofollow links, when to use nofollow links, dofollow links and difference between dofollow and nofollow links.
An appropriate usage of nofollow no index and dofollow links can greatly improve the search engine ranking of your page.
So first let us understand what are these nofollow links and techniques like nofollow link html, nofollow link WordPress plugin, nofollow link checker, dofollow links lists etc to manage nofollow links in your page.
What are nofollow links?
Before discussing about nofollow links we need to understand one important SEO term, Link juice.
When a page with higher Search engine ranking links to your page, there occurs a transfer of search engine score called link juice. This helps in bettering the search engine ranking of your page.

Nofollow links are those links to which we do not want to pass our Link juice. We do not want Google to follow those links from our page. Normally we do this for domains with low quality content.
In contrast to this, dofollow links are those links to which we are ready to pass our Link juice. We want Google bots to follow these links from our page. Having dofollow links to high ranking pages would help in increasing your search engine ranking. This is the single difference between dofollow and nofollow links.
If you are using a WordPress powered website or blog, the links which you add in your website or blog are dofollow by default. If you do not want to transfer your Link juice to these links, then you need to learn how to add nofollow tag to a link.
How to add nofollow tag to a link?
Now let’s discuss about how to add nofollow tag to a link.
One way is to edit from HTML mode. You can convert your link html to nofollow link html by manually editing it in HTML mode.

This is the normal form of an external link in your website:
<a href=“”>link to an external page</a>
In order to add nofollow tag to a link manually, edit the above code in HTML mode into the following form:
<a href=“” rel=“nofollow”>link to an external page</a>
“rel” stands for relationship. So by adding the code rel=“nofollow”, you are defining the relationship of that particular external page to your website or blog.
But there are easy ways to do this if you are working with WordPress. WordPress is always the first choice for web publishers as it has dedicated plug-ins for almost everything. There are nofollow link WordPress plugins which could make nofollow tagging much easier for you. A few plugins straightaway makes all your external links nofollow.
But from an SEO perspective, this is not a right approach. We have already seen that having dofollow tags for high quality links enhances your search engine ranking. So you should have a selective approach for how to add nofollow tag to a link.
Ultimate Nofollow WordPress plugin is what I suggest for all WordPress users. You can very easily add nofollow tag to any external link you want using this powerful WordPress plug-in.

Why to use nofollow links?
So we have seen how to add nofollow tag to a link. Now let’s see why and when to add nofollow tag to a link.
You are not supposed to pass link juice through affiliate links or paid links. These are considered as unacceptable SEO practices by Google and you would end up getting penalized by Google. So make sure you tag all affiliate or paid links with a nofollow tag.
You might have links to sites with irrelevant content or link to spam websites in your webpage. When you have dofollow tags for these links, Google could penalize you for endorsing such non value adding sites by lowering your page ranking. So make sure you add no follow tags for such links.
Again if you have a comment section, your readers might post links to external sites in those. By using nofollow tag for comment section, you can prevent transfer of link juice to unwanted sites. In short, for all the sites which you do not want to vouch for, use links with a nofollow tag.
If you want to find nofollow links in a page: Right click on the screen and select “View Page Source”. There are also many nofollow link checker tools available in the internet.

Using nofollow for an affiliate link
Now we have seen when to add nofollow tag to a link. Then what about dofollow tags. Dofollow tags are used for all the internal links as well as external links with similar content.
Links to sites with a high search engine rank can also be tagged dofollow. Keeping these in mind, make sure you channel your link juice to the right places.
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