Whether you’re a small business CEO or a homeowner, taxes and finances get to us equally. The practices may differ, and handling company financial plan proves to be more complex, but in the end, it’s something we all have to deal with. Naturally, when you hire an accountant, it’s to …
Gaurav Jain
Top 3 Money Mistakes to Avoid in Your 30’s
You’ll soon be turning 30 and with so many important events in your life at this stage, you’re sure to need tips on money mistakes to avoid in your 30s. Investing in your 30s is mandatory, if you want a smooth ride for the rest of your life. You …
The 5 Most Reliable Ways to Fund a Startup
Most Reliable Ways to Fund Your Startup Many entrepreneurs venture out to start their own business and become their own boss. Being your own boss offers great flexibility and promise of a lucrative career, but it also brings many risks and responsibilities along the way. The biggest issue …
Internal links: How Internal Link Building Can Boost Your SEO
The fact that links are not just helpful but necessary in a solid SEO strategy is no secret. However not all links are regarded equally. More specifically, people aren’t giving internal links the attention they deserve, which is a shame considering the kind of profit they can bring to the …
5 Big Money Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s
When you enter your 20s, you need to know what you want in life. This is the period of learning about investments. By getting the right financial advice for 20s, you can avoid money mistakes in your 20s and put yourself on the road to a secure future. School …