Whereas quite a few people are all about blogging for pleasure, there is definite money to be made too. Depending on how much traffic you get, there are ways and means to utilise this to your advantage in order to get the best monetary return that you can. But in …
Gaurav Jain
3 Things To Give You Faith In Your Blog
Anyone who is relatively new to blogging will find that there is a surprising amount to learn before you can truly succeed. It’s not the case that you can just set up your blog, start typing and expect it to be a phenomenal success. But with some diligence, patience, and …
Hashtag : How to Use # For Social Media Marketing Campaign
How to use a # Hashtag for social media marketing. Almost everyone is either on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest or Google+. While using social media, you may have come across popular hashtags such as #love, #food, #marketing, or you may have even used them yourself. So questions like: …
CMS Comparison: WordPress vs Drupal – A Guide
So you are planning to start your own website, but can’t decide which CMS to build it on? Two common rivals in this field are WordPress and Drupal. Their competition has been on about ever since they were made – Drupal being the older child “born” in 2001, and WordPress …
What is Cloaking in SEO and Should You Do Cloaking?
Cloaking is a black hat SEO technique where contents are represented differently for website users and search engine crawlers. Cloaking and SEO are interconnected, and so bloggers and website owners are tempted to use it for better indexing in result pages. Since it is a black hat SEO practice, …