What is Blogger Outreach? Blogger outreach is an important marketing strategy adopted by most companies these days. Companies approaching bloggers to promote their product or service – This is the blogger outreach definition in simple words. In this article I am concentrating more on how to promote …
Gaurav Jain
Blog Commenting And Link Building – All You Need To Know
Before the emergence of social media platforms, blog commenting used to be one of the best ways of driving traffic. These days, most of the bloggers do blog commenting for increasing backlinks only. Link building helps a blog to a get better Google page rank and thereby, helps …
More than Advertising – The Purpose of Custom Merchandise for Your Business
Merchandising is a loved means of linking with your customers. When you want to raise awareness of your brand, you are taking the step towards boosting valuable sales. You may not be as large as McDonald’s to offer the latest trendy merchandise to keep your customers coming back for more, …
HTTP vs HTTPS – What Is the Difference & Importance
In this article you are going to learn about HTTP vs HTTPS protocols, and the difference between http and https request. Generally, when you browse through the internet, you may sometimes come across security issues. This is due to the web format. It may begin either with HTTP or …
What is the Importance of Semantic Search in SEO?
Whenever we speak, hear or read about search engines and search results, semantic search is a phrase that comes up often nowadays. Such new terms are coined and released by search engine providers from time to time, and leaves us wondering and forces us to ask, “Now, what’s next?” …