Have you ever wondered why the riveting article you posted on your blog ended up getting a few dozen shares whereas the goofy cat photo you posted at the same time on Instagram ended up going viral and garnered a few hundred likes? Well, the expression “timing is everything” holds the fort when it comes to figuring out when are people most active on social media and evaluating the ideal time to post on social media.
Posting content at the right time to ensure it gets shared on social media platforms is akin to baking the perfect cake; it’s an art.
Studies have revealed that effective scheduling and posting content at the right time and on the right day by gauging the social media peak hours is the ultimate key.
Understanding and knowing more about the best time to post on social media platforms can help increase your engagement on the social networks. This is the key differentiator in driving traffic and getting the optimal number of likes, comments, clicks and shares you’re yearning for.
Just the sheer amount of content being posted on social media platforms is insane with billions of posts being churned out by the minute.
To stand out from this maddening herd and to ascertain your content gets the maximum exposure, you need to focus on the perfect time to post on social media sites.
Establishing the prime social media posting time and knowing when exactly you need to post your well thought of content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google+ is what I am aiming to help you understand.
However, there is no “one size fits all” solution and each social network has their own best and ideal times where your audience is active and tuned in.
Let me shed some light on the perfect time to post on social media platforms which will help you capture more traffic to your website and in turn, help increase the number of your followers, likes, and shares.
The ideal days to post on Facebook are towards the end of the week with the highest traffic reported on Thursday and Friday. The optimal time to post on Facebook is early afternoon in the slot 1-4 p.m. where people are generally at work. To sum it up:
- Ideal days to post: Thursday and Friday
- Optimal time to post: 1 – 4 p.m.
- Most number of shares: 1 p.m.
When it comes to Twitter, your window of opportunity is quite small so you need to make the most of your tweet. For maximizing your re tweets, the perfect time slot is between 12-6 PM.
As far as days are concerned, B2B companies score a higher CTR during the workweek while B2C companies tend to work better on the weekends. Here’s the breakdown:
- Ideal day to tweet for B2B: Weekdays; Wednesdays have higher CTR
- Ideal day to tweet for B2C: Weekends
- Optimal time to tweet: 12 – 5 p.m.
LinkedIn’s target audience is B2B and comprises mainly of working professionals. Highest engagement rates are during weekdays when people are engaged at work, especially midweek and business hours.
Posting Tuesday through Thursday is what works best. Posting between 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. and between 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. returns the best results and the maximum number of clicks and shares.
- Ideal days to post: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
- Optimal times to post: 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.
- Highest engagement: Tuesdays from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Instagram audience is generally quite steady and hence engaged throughout the week. If you have to narrow it down and pick just one day then it has to be Monday. Prime –time hours fall between 9 a.m. – 10 a.m.
- Ideal days to post: Monday and Thursday
- Optimal times to post: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., 2 a.m. and 5 p.m.
- Highest engagement: Mondays at 10 p.m.
So now that you have a better idea on the perfect time to post on social media, formulate a sound strategy and device your prime social media posting time.
All the priceless flow of clicks, re-tweets, and likes on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google+ which you have been looking for all this while is now a reality.
Check Out This Excellent Infographic on Best Time to Post on Social Media – “How and When to Post on Social Media”
Infographic Courtesy: StartABlog123.com
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