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Drop in Search Engine Ranking of Your Site – Reasons and Fixes

Drop in Search Engine Ranking of Your Site - Reasons and Fixes

The first page on the Google search results isn’t somewhere you could settle down forever and build your palace. It is a temporary shaft at best which could be washed down by the slightest winds and rains in the form of an SEO ranking drop. Drop in search engine ranking is quite common a feeling for almost all website owners as we wonder why has my Google ranking dropped suddenly or why my blog’s Google ranking dropped dramatically. I earlier wrote an article on Internal Linking for SEO – How and Why to do it?, this is must read as internal linking is closely related to drop in search engine ranking of your blog


Studying the search engine ranking factors and learning how to improve search engine ranking is thus extremely important or you would soon find that your site has totally disappeared from Google search. The sad truth is that there is no resting even after you do your SEO well. Analyse your site’s SERP with website search engine ranking checker and figure out where your site or blog is placed on the search engine ranking page. 7 Ways to Fix The Falling Search Ranks, an informative article by Neil Patel.


Read on to figure out the common reasons and fixes for drop in search engine ranking. At times, measures as simple as changing your rich anchor text to non rich anchor text could do wonders for your search engine rankings.


Why is There a Drop in Search Engine Ranking?


Drop in Search Engine Ranking of Your Site - Reasons and Fixes


It would be highly unfortunate if your site was the victim of SEO ranking drop.  So what happens if you wake up one day only to find that your website’s rankings are dropping? Yes, you will reach a state of sheer panic, but then what? You will wonder why, considering this was something that was definitely not supposed to happen. This is also when you ask yourself how to improve search engine ranking?


If this happens to you, then it can only mean one of the following things.


Bygone Design and Content


Drop in Search Engine Ranking of Your Site - Reasons and Fixes

When it comes to appearance, old is not gold. You do not want your website to seem run-of-the-mill, do you? Here is where redesigning comes in. It’s about time you stepped up your game and made this your priority. If your website looks old and ordinary, then that’s what your website visitor is going to think about your business – old and ordinary and that means a definite drop in search engine ranking.


So what is the obvious solution to this? Well, make it a point to regularly update your website design and content. This will enable improved user experience and guarantee an increase in your site search engine ranking position. This also means that you probably need to do a revision of your keywords. The same keywords may not what users are typing in anymore. So it is important to keep a track of this change and update them to tackle the dreaded SEO ranking drop.


Losing Links


Drop in Search Engine Ranking of Your Site - Reasons and Fixes

One of the primary reasons that your site has totally disappeared from Google SERP’s may be that you have lost a few links. You can check your website’s lost links to figure out what may have happened. If there are a lot of lost links then that may be the reason for the drop in search engine ranking.


You will want to build more links right? What you can do to increase your rankings is to build links to other internal pages and not to the web page itself. Also keep away from rich anchor text and instead go for non rich anchor text. You can simultaneously keep working on your site content. This can help you attract better links.


You’ve Got Competition


Drop in Search Engine Ranking of Your Site - Reasons and Fixes

Who doesn’t love a healthy competition? Well, in the online world people fear competition because it almost always is accompanied by a change in your site search engine ranking position


This is an ongoing struggle, and the only way to get through is to ride the wave. Make it a point to keep track of the competitor’s sites to understand their game plan. You can then use this to improve your own search engine ranking.




Google uses a number of search engine ranking factors and you may save the possible pitfall

Drop in Search Engine Ranking of Your Site - Reasons and Fixesof your site’s drop in search engine ranking if you are aware of most of them. If you notice that your blogs Google ranking has dropped dramatically suddenly, then it might be because Google handed out a penalty for your site.

This can either be an algorithmic penalty, which happens along with Google updates, or a manual penalty, which is executed by an employee of Google. Whichever it maybe, a penalty can drastically bring about a drop in search engine ranking.


Monitor the Google Webmaster Tools Account to find out if any actions have executed for your site. You can discover what went wrong. You also have the option of giving in a request for reconsideration for the manual penalties.


Google Updated


Updation is inevitable. With Google, this is understood without being mentioned specifically. What are often not understood are the consequences it can bring about. Yes that’s right, an equally inevitable drop in search engine ranking. If you are lucky, the SEO ranking drop might not be big.



Always be up to date regarding potential Google updations and this can help you be prepared for variations in your site search engine ranking position. You can be well informed about whether your site might breach any of the new guidelines and take appropriate measures.


Site Speed Too Low

Drop in Search Engine Ranking of Your Site - Reasons and Fixes


High speed is always good. Site speed is one of Google’s search engine ranking factors. If your site is taking too much time to load then it can drive away the visitors almost immediately and lead to drop in search engine ranking.


You can follow several techniques to improve your speed. One way is to access Page Speed Insights within Google Webmaster Tools. This will help to identify the page loading speed and help to improve upon the speed.


Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are also some other common ways that you can reverse the drop in search engine ranking.


You can ensure that your rankings remain at a high by seeing to it that your site is compatible with all sorts of devices. You definitely wouldn’t want a SEO ranking drop because your site was not other-devices friendly right?


Another way is to get more social shares. Social shares can mean more links, and this automatically means one step above in the site search engine ranking position.


Rankings will fluctuate however as much you try to control it. What you can do is try and make these fluctuations small and stabilize at a higher search engine ranking. With time, you will notice that your rankings have improved on the charts once you start applying the above strategies.


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Drop in Search Engine Ranking of Your Site - Reasons and Fixes

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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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