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Exciting Link Building Strategies That Bloggers Will Love

Exciting Link Building Strategies That Bloggers Will Love

Link building strategies are the way that creates traffic to your blog. As a blogger, you have to figure out the best Link building strategies that become the roads that drive traffic from external websites/blogs to your blog.

You have to follow the most effective Link building strategies, if you are keen on driving traffic to your blog through the organic search result.

However, many of you might have questions such as, how to create backlinks for my website? how to get quality backlinks to my website? If it is possible, then:

  • How do I get backlinks for free?
Exciting Link Building Strategies That Bloggers Will Love

Knowingly or unknowingly many bloggers, follow those strategies for Link building that are not recommended at any given cost. Now, let us modify the link building definition a bit then.

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Link building strategies not only drive traffic to your website/blog from external websites, but they have to follow those practices that are adhering to the Search engine standards for:

  • Creating backlinks of high quality

However, some bloggers get frustrated that their blog is not getting ranked on the first page of Google Search and become desperate to buy backlinks. This is highly unacceptable SEO Strategy that can not only hurt the SEO of your blog, but your blog can also get banned eventually.

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The entire strategy is all about creating backlinks in the right manner following the Google standards. You don’t have to buy any back links. You can get backlinks for free. The link building tactics that are listed here will tell you what are the right ways.

You Need Not Always Go For A Paid Backlink Campaign

If you have ample time and if you are keen on increasing the page ranking for your website/blog on the Google Search page, there are a several ways through which you can:

# Create backlinks for free

# You may submit a guest post on other blogs, with a hyperlink to your website.

# You may answer a question on Quora or Yahoo Answers in a topic pertaining to your blog and provide a backlink for your blog in your answer.

Gaurav Jain Quora Profile

# You may even participate in forum discussions, where you can find a post relating to your blog and join the discussion by posting a comment with a backlink to your blog.

Link Building Through Blog Comments

All these link building strategies can drive good traffic to your website/blog and they are also an organic way of increasing your page ranking on Search result pages.

You May Create Backlinks Manually

There are several ways that tell you how to create backlinks manually. The above mentioned ways are also manual ways. Apart from them,

# You may also submit your blog to directory sites like Dmoz.

Dmoz Directory Submission

You may submit your blog to RSS feed sites like:

# RSSFeedsGenerator

# Feedity


RSS Feeds is one way of getting more hits from people, who want to get updates on what is newly going on in their favorite websites/blogs.

# Another and one of the best Link building strategies you would love is creating Infographics for your blog articles and posting them on sites like slideshare.net, along with a backlink to your blog.

Infographics are more likely to be seen by people as most of them may not like to read blog articles with big paragraphs.

Henceforth, this is one of the link building techniques that can not only get hits to your blog, but those hits will be only out of the user’s interest. Agencies like Linkbuilder.io are experts at crafting infographics and building relevant links through this method.

Other Ways Of How To Create Backlinks For Your Website For Free

how to create backlinks for my website

On the Google Search page, go through till 10 to 15 pages and find out the sources from where your competitors have got backlinks from. If your competitors managed to get backlinks then you can get them too.

Also, search for forums, Q&A sites and blogs in your niche and find out if any of your loyal customers have mentioned about you in a comment or a guest post or an answer. If there is a mention, you can request the site owner to convert that into a backlink for your blog.

Easier Link Building Strategies

When it comes to SEO, you have to go through two steps – one is on-page optimization and another one is off-page optimization.

While on-page optimization itself takes a lot of time, one cannot imagine how much time creating backlinks from external websites/blogs can take. Thus, SEO can be very stressful and time consuming.

However, thanks to the ever advancing technology that has happened in various fields in the world of ‘World Wide Web’ and it is so in the case of getting backlinks also.

You can use backlinks generator that submits your blog to various places. And, all these websites will be pertaining to ‘who is’, ‘About them’, and the Type of service.

These Link building software’s create pages about your blog on all these websites, with a backlink to your own website. Although some of them will be a ‘No follow’, they would be some of them that are ‘Do follow’ also.

You still need not worry about the ‘No follow’ aspect as these automatic backlink creators place backlinks to your blogs only in those websites that Google and other Search engines crawl, and your website/blog can certainly get indexed more often by Googlebot and other search engine bots. And, this is the main purpose of:

  • Link building strategies

Ideally, even a ‘No follow’ can get a good visibility to your website/blog and henceforth, you have got nothing to lose when you have to begin your backlink campaign using these:

  • Link building tools

Check The Quality Of Your Backlinks

Google always recommends having only 5 high quality backlinks over 50 low quality backlinks. There are bloggers, who buy backlinks although they very well know that they can get penalized or even get banned for this deed.

Even if you have never made any attempt to try buying backlinks, it is always good to use backlinks checker tool that runs a list of tests to determine how many backlinks are driving traffic to the blog or link you have created.

Apart from this they also collect additional information like anchor text used, page rank of the source of the backlink and the risk they carry for getting flagged from Google, etc. This test has to be a mandatory adopt as:

Also See | How to Get Powerful Backlinks from Wikipedia Successfully

There are several free tools like Open Site Explorer form MOZ that check the quality of backlinks and show the number of backlinks you have created, among them how many are ‘No follow’ and how many are ‘Do follow’, the source of the backlink, the actual page that contains the link to your blog, Google page rank of the web page having your backlink, the anchor text used to state your blog’s purpose, if you have created one.

Open Site Explorer Link Research Backlink Checker Moz

Finally, it also alerts you on any red flags for your backlink. With the amount of information this tool can provide, also many such tools are available for free online, your backlinks sources ought to undergo this test.

Link Building Strategies After Penguin Update By Google

On the same note that you have to create backlinks to your blog that are of high quality, adhering to SEO standards of Google, the approaches to Link building after the release of Penguin Update 3.0 has become a good milestone for your blog to get ranked in the Search engine result page in the most organic manner.

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The main objective of Google Penguin Update 3.0 is to eliminate spammy links and improve its search results by penalizing websites that rank high in Google Search page, although they do not deserve to at all.

This is because the blog owners would have indulged in manipulative techniques like building spammy links and building several low quality backlinks. The release of Penguin 3.0 algorithm is a good warning signal for website/blog owners to:

  • Follow only the standard practices of SEO.

The aforesaid Link building Strategies are the ones that bloggers will love and they are the best tactics that can help you know all about:

  • Link building in SEO.

Do You Still Have Questions About Correct Link Building Strategies?

Although the above mentioned ways and means can make up for enough Link building tips, if you are still unsure about the correct strategies that adhere to the Search Engine Standards, you may go through some of the link building tutorial that is available online for free. You may go through them and see where you stand in terms of practicing the Google’s SEO Standards.

Also, if you do not have enough time to undergo the above link building strategies yourself for your blog, there are people who offer link building service for a cost.

If you have enough to invest, you may outsource the Link building work to them and focus on other aspects of your business that are also equally important.

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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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