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Infolinks Review: Making Money Online for Bloggers

Infolinks Review: Making Money Online for Bloggers

 Infolinks Review – (Innovative Ads Powered By Intent)

Making money from blogs featuring unique content that lures in an audience is easier with advertisement hosting networks is a growing trend among bloggers. Google’s AdSense is one of the most popular ad hosts as it is accessible to most users.


However, AdSense has a very strict policy for bloggers. Most bloggers fail to make significant money for this reason. In this article I’m going to review a great alternative to Google AdSense called – Infolinks.


The aspect of the mellifluous integration of advertisements sets Infolinks for bloggers apart from other ad hosts making it one of the best in-text advertising network.


Introduction to Infolinks vs Google AdSense


Monetizing a blog is now easier with young ad hosts like Infolinks for bloggers. It serves as the best AdSense alternative as it has less stringent rules in place whilst maintaining transparency regarding payment policies.



However, it does not have to be an Infolinks vs AdSense battle as you can use both Google Adsense and Infolinks together in sync without violating any of their independent policies.

In such scenarios, you can benefit from extra income as Infolinks payment as well as payment from AdSense.


Infolinks Review


Infolinks Review – Getting Started


Registration on Infolinks is easy and does not take any longer than a minute. All you need to do is fill out a form and integrate the code into your page for successfully activating advertisements.


Once you’re done completing a brief registration form, your blog’s application will be reviewed and post Infolinks approval, you will be given a script to integrate into your blog. Advertisements appear instantaneously and you will be getting your Infolinks payment within no time.



Google Adsense’s strict policies limit your functionality and take longer for approval. Infolinks, on the other hand, is less strict with its policies and works for the profit of the publishers.


Apart from that, Infolinks does not demand a major portion of the space on your blog for hosting advertisements. It incorporates most of its ads into specific keywords of the blog post.


Infolinks Getting Started


Whenever a user hovers over the highlighted keyword, the ad is displayed. Google AdSense, in contrast, takes up a portion of the screen after each post to display its ads.


Using Infolinks – Infolinks Review


After approving your blog or web page for Infolink advertising, you will be able to access a publisher dashboard at the Infolinks website. The dashboard is accessible even to beginners and is designed to perfection.


On the main menu page, you can access a JavaScript code that you can incorporate into your web page or blog under the Integrate tab.



There is a how-to procedure available in the help section for novices that find it difficult to integrate the code.

Next to the Integrate tab is the Customize tab wherein you can select the type of ads available for your blog.

Apart from the conventional tabs, an offers tab “New” is present, updated on a regular basis featuring offers that help the publisher reap more profits.

This is why Infolinks is one of the best Google Adsense alternatives out there for bloggers to choose.


Type of Advertisements Infolinks Offer


Infolinks is a cost-per-click advertisement-hosting network that offers various types of ads that integrate well for blogs and web pages. The ad types offered are:


  • In-Screen
  • In-Text
  • In-Tag
  • In-Article
  • In-Frame
  • In-Fold



You have complete control over the type of ads as well as the content they advertise. Multiple web pages can be monetized using the same Infolinks account or script enabling you to reap benefits without having to manage multiple accounts.


Infolinks Review





This type of ads appear on the screen for the user to read and interact with, it can be collapsed and appears only once.


 Infolinks in screen


Infolinks Review





This type of ads is available as links for certain keywords in the text of the post. As a user hovers over the specific keyword, the ad is displayed to the user.


Infolinks In Text


Infolinks Review





Displays the most valuable keywords directly related to the content of a page in highly customizable ad units.


Infolinks In Tag


Infolinks Review





This type of ads features video ads that the user can interact with if interested. Only the user can initiate the video playback.


Infolinks In Article 


Infolinks Review





This type of ads is available in the frame for the user to interact with and read. As the user scrolls through the text, the ad follows the frame and scrolls down along with the text.


Infolinks In Frame







Most users use this type of ads as these are only displayed to the user when they hover over a fold that features a portion of the ad. The primary target of this ad type is a selective, specific audience.


Infolinks In Fold



Advantages of Infolinks


  • Easy Infolinks Approval, Less Stringent Policies:

Infolinks is recognized as a suitable alternative for Google Adsense primarily because of the slower approval rate on AdSense. AdSense requires around 7 days for approving a new web page or blog.


On the other hand, Infolinks requires only 72 hours for approval as well for configuration of the ad types required by you. The user-interface is simpler in comparison to AdSense’s complicated menu.


Infolinks Sign up


  • No Space Required:

As the ad types are all in-text based on Infolinks, the ads do not clutter or take up additional space.


  • No Effect on Loading Speed:

As the code for incorporating ads is added at the bottom of your web page, the content of your blog is loaded first and then the ads are loaded after every element of the page has completely loaded.


  • Infolinks Payment Policy:

Payment is simple and transferred to your account using Paypal, Payoneer, eCheck/Local Bank Transfer and conventional Wire transfer after you reach a threshold of $50 or $100 in advertisement revenue.


Disadvantages of Infolinks


  • Bias Towards American Traffic:

Infolinks ads are popular among many American bloggers and are more oriented towards their demographic enabling them to benefit more and increase their profits.


However, for the rest of the world, apart from the low cost per click offered, the demographic do not match. This inspired the question among most users as to how much does Infolinks pay per click.


  • Ads on Offer:

The number of ads allowed per page according to the latest in Infolinks policies are 12 including all ad types. These many could cramp your page and make it look cluttered even with optimization. There is an optimal level set for different ad types that benefit you and do not clutter your blog.


Payment Options


Infolinks has several payment options available with a transparent payment policy of threshold revenue of $50 whereas for Wire transfer it is $100. After you cross the threshold revenue, you will be able to use one of the payment methods to withdraw money.



The conventional method of Wire Transfer has a fee of $25 with a 2% currency conversion tax.

One of the most popular methods, PayPal charges residents of the United States a fee of $1 whereas for the rest of the world it is a fee of 2% of the value up to $10.

eCheck is another method available, however, the fee is on the higher side with $6 with a 2% currency conversion tax.

Payoneer payment is also available that can transfer amounts directly to a local US bank.


Infolinks SignUp


To Conclude


Infolinks serves as the perfect alternative to Google’s Adsense and can even be used along with to expand profits with minimal investment. The ad types offered are conducive for earning higher and successfully monetizing your blog.



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 Infolinks Review - (Innovative Ads Powered By Intent) Making money from blogs featuring unique content that lures in an audience is easier with advertisement hosting networks is a growing trend among bloggers. Google's AdSense is one of the most popular ad hosts as it is accessible to most users.   However, AdSense has a very strict policy for bloggers. Most bloggers fail to make significant money for this reason. In this article I’m going to review a great alternative to Google AdSense called – Infolinks.   The aspect of the mellifluous integration of advertisements sets Infolinks for bloggers apart from…

Infolinks Review

Ease of Setup
Type of Ads


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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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