14 March 2025
Home / Make Money Online / Media.net Review: Yahoo and Bing Ads Network for Bloggers

Media.net Review: Yahoo and Bing Ads Network for Bloggers

Media.net Review

Media.net Review

Blogging is on the list of all-time favorite alternate ways to make money for many enthusiastic writers and photographers. Making money from a blog will involve integrating advertisements that are based on pay per click (PPC) system. The quality and appeal of the ads help you make more money online.


There are several options of advertisement hosts that you could consider for integrating to your blog. The most popular among those is Google Adsense.


Google Adsense is the best for beginners, however, experienced individuals and critics have found it to be stringent. With penalties that lead to the dissolution of the account, many bloggers are considering an alternative to Google Adsense.


Media.net, the software in point in our Media.net review, is a contextual ad network powered by Yahoo and Bing.  With a less harsh code of conduct, Media.net, has been gaining a reputation as the next best thing to Adsense for making more money online.


Media.net Review: Yahoo and Bing Ads Network for Bloggers


Earlier available on an invite-access only, it is now available to the public through open access. In this Media.net review:

  • Features of the Media.net
  • Media.net vs Google AdSense
  • Media.net approval
  • Media.net requirements
  • Media.net earnings and revenue, and
  • Media.net payment methods are all discussed in detail.


Media.net Review: What is media.net?


Media.net, one of the most promising advertisement hosting sources, is a contextual advertisement network that hosts advertisements on a page based on its content.


This promises higher returns as an increased number of your blog’s viewers would be able to relate to the advertisements, inevitably clicking on them, leading to higher media.net revenue for your blog.


Yahoo! Bing Network


If you blog about travel, Media.net would host advertisements related only to travel products and services. Relate it with your own experience, how many times have you paid attention to irrelevant advertisements while on another blog? This is one of the many features of Media.net that will be elaborated on in this Media.net review.


Media.net Review: Features & Why Should you Consider Media.net as an Alternative


  • Advertisements of Relevance: Primarily based on the content of your blog or page, contextual ads enhance the relevance of your page increasing your web traffic in comparison to other advertisement hosts that focus on different direct ads that do not appeal to most users.



As search algorithms of Yahoo! and Bing are incorporated for the advertisement suggestions offered, the quality of ads offered is not compromised upon as the high quality and high paying ads are filtered through Media.net.


  • Higher Returns: As aforementioned in our Media.net review, the application targets experienced bloggers of small or large blogs and media houses, such that the content produced is of the highest quality.


Through these high quality ads, it is invariable for small bloggers get higher profits with media.net as the chances of a media.net approval are consequently higher.


This is only possible with a richer advertisement quality and additional optimization techniques that on application ensure better media.net earnings and higher media.net revenue for your blog.



  • Advertisements on Mobile: Another feature that sets Media.net apart is the feature that enables users to view ads on mobile devices. This feature appeals to a major portion of the audience on the internet that uses smart phones.


Most publishers deem advertisements on smartphones as the future of advertising as the user directly connects with the advertisement, thereby enhancing engagement.


Powered by technology to help in automatic detection of mobile phone devices that optimizes content for mobile and smart phone browsers, Media.net is the perfect means for making more money online and more specifically, making money from a blog.


  • Account Manager: One of the features that most bloggers claim Media.net is the best ad host is its account manager. Media.net offers a dedicated account manager, unique only to a few advertisements hosting software.



Once you sign up and your media.net approval is complete, an account manager will assist you with the complete setup for your blog. These optimizations comply with media.net requirements enabling you to gain higher media.net earnings.


Media.net Review: Other Features


  • User-friendly interface: The dashboard that you operate is well organized, neat, and easy to use.



  • One account for all your web pages: Media.net has an additional tab for managing all your websites that host ads powered by Media.net. From a single Media.net account, you will be able to manage multiple websites with a single click.




  • Diverse sizes and formats of ads: Media.net offers several customizable ad unit sizes that could help you enhance their effect on your web page. The most popular ad sizes are 336×280, 300×250, 728×90 etc.





Media.net Review: First Steps


Getting started with the application, next in the review of Media.net, requires you to register on the ad-hosting network. Just by filling out a few details about your website(s), you will be able to manage all the ads hosted on all your websites from a single account, just by a single click. After which, there will be an evaluation of your website’s credential by one of the representatives from media.net who will soon thereafter, approve or decline your request.




If approved, your account is assigned a dedicated account manager who will provide you with your login details for your account on media.net and look over all your website media.net requirements.


From your side, it is recommended you go over all the policies that media.net offers for programs and find a suitable pick for your website. This ensures that you receive the best from the ad host, including high quality, contextual, and visually appealing ads.


You can login to your own personal Media.net account, look over the format, size, and type of ad units you want for your website and copy paste the code in your web page or blog.


Media.net Review: Payment Methods




According to media.net payment policy, the payment is made once the publisher crosses $100 mark as a threshold in media.net earnings. The payment is prompt and transferred within 15-30 days via payment methods like wire transfer or PayPal.



To Conclude

To summarize the Media.net review, Media.net is a great alternative to Google’s Adsense as it is powered by similar technology, advancements, and places less strict rules for publishers and bloggers alike.


 Media.net Publisher Sign-up


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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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