22 February 2025
Home / Blogging / Ideally How Long a Blog Post Should Be?

Ideally How Long a Blog Post Should Be?

Ideally How Long a Blog Post Should Be?

Blogs are written for various reasons, you may want to review a new game or a TV show, write a blog post for a website of your new company, share your views on the current sociopolitical environment, publish your research on environmental issues, talk about exciting travel places, give new insight into healthcare, write about your favorite sports team, and almost any other topic.



If you want to share any information publicly or even invite people selectively it can be put on a blog and will be live on the internet at all times. One of the greatest ways to share information freely and widely, benefiting others and yourself.


A good blog should have many important features; all of it goes into making it a success with the readers. Of course, when you think about all the information available on the internet for each and every topic, your blog needs to have something special to hold the interest of the reader for long enough till they go through your blog be impressed by it and even choose to follow it and read the further post.




It’s quite a steep task, but as you may have seen on the internet universe every now and then a piece of content goes viral and creates huge waves on the internet being shared by millions of users.


This is one side of blog writers for whom writing a blog itself is a primary activity. For others, let’s say companies wanting to share information publicly can do it easily with an online blog.



Still every blog necessitates some important things which make it a success, like how long the length of the blog should be, well that is a question with no easy answer as there are many factors which determine the appropriate length for a blog.


It will be best to go through these points one by one and find an insight into what the ideal length of your blog will be –


So, How Long a Blog Post Should Ideally Be?


#1. Which Blog Page Are You Writing


A blog itself consists of many pages and the first page is the home page of your blog, ideally, it should be brief giving all the important information and just having enough information which will act as a teaser for the rest of the blog.


The main purpose of a Blog Home Page should be to interest the reader to read further on the blog, as it is not possible to put all the content on the main blog page it will be ideal to have little snippets of information to all the blog articles.




Most of the times Google search directly takes the reader to the page of the concerned article thanks to the keywords phenomenon, but then the reader may also go to the main homepage from where he might also take a look at what else is happening on your blog.


#2. What Type of Blog Post Are You Writing


The most pertinent question in ascertaining the correct length for your blog.


  • If you are writing an instructional blog or Tutorial blog then the blog length will be dictated by the number of steps taken to perform whatever activity you want to write about.


  • For a blog dealing with Media, photographs or video sharing, a lesser amount of written material should be better because if visual information is what your blog post is about it will be best to highlight that with some description pieces going along. Still a brief introduction and conclusion will also be good.



Types of Blog


  • If you are writing creative content then be sure to keep in mind that most people dislike reading long passages on their mobiles or laptops, so whatever story you want to convey let it be of a length which is easy to read in one go.


Considering that 5 pages of content should be the higher limit to how much people will like to read at a time on their laptops, it will be best to make the content of about 2000 – 2500 words.


  • On fields like Finance, Legal Services, healthcare and technology related topics it will be better to keep things brief and simple covering all the information without too much detailed writing. The most important feature will be how clearly the topics are explained.


Also, it is always better to have a few illustrations and charts as reading a full page of written content for any reader can be a bit daunting, but becomes more palatable if there are accompanying images which help in the understanding.


  • Other types of blogs like Travel, Lifestyle, Sports, Entertainment, Gaming, Leisure, Fashion and Automobiles. Need to be of shorter length, since it is mostly for a leisurely read and people get the required information even from a short write up which will be preferred since there are many blogs in the internet space and many talks about common topics.


So it will be much more convenient for readers to come to a blog which gives them the required information in an interesting manner without too much digging for the required information.


#3. The Frequency of Your Blog Post


Another important factor to analyze is how frequently you are going to write the blog post. For blogs written every few days, it is better to give short bits of information as people will not read long blog posts on a regular basis.


On the other hand, if you write once a week or at a longer interval you can take the privilege of writing longer blog posts with more detailing and information put into each and every one of them.



#4. Target Audience


It is important to consider who your target audience will be, if you are writing a technical blog post for a layman then it will be better to explain simply and clearly, where too much of technical language and details may not be required and disinterest the target audience.


Target Audience


But in case you are writing a blog for trained and experienced professionals of the sector then it will be wise to give them as much technical detailing as possible, for which they will be looking for.


Similarly for the fields of Finance, Scientific Research and Healthcare where there are varying levels of sophistication and detailing you can add to your blog.


In most scenarios a two-page blog article write up is considered sufficient and you can always increase or decrease the size according to your specific blog features.


Many people are writing successful blogs which they are sharing on social media platforms and earning a good amount of revenue. One thing in common in all they have all mastered the above points and know exactly how to write, what to write and how long their blog post should be.


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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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