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How to do Guest Blogging – Beginners Guide

How to do Guest Blogging – Beginners Guide

Guest blogging can be a powerful tool to get hordes of visitors to your website – if you know how to use it. Apart from attracting users to your site, you also end up increasing your subscriber list, increasing your back links and get more exposure to your products and services. Having considered guest blogging advantages you may wonder, what is guest blogging and how to do guest blogging?


Writing your guest post for the right guest posting sites is important if you don’t want to appear to be someone who is shoving content up the noses of those who are not interested. Therefore, choose relevant sites for which to write, and learn how to pitch your thoughts effectively and get website owners to open their doors to you.


How to do Guest Blogging – Beginners Guide


Guest blogging is basically leveraging an audience that someone else in a similar niche has already built, and here are some guest posting tips to help you in how to do guest blogging. Guest blogging for beginners may be a challenge at first, but having understood what guest blogging means will help you make a success of using this tool to its maximum potential.


How To Do Guest Blogging – Choose The Right Blog To Write For


 How to do Guest Blogging

Now that you know why guest blogging is important, rather than picking just some random guest blogging sites from the corner of the blogosphere or from a random guest blogging sites list, you need to choose the blog you write for with care. While you may be tempted to jump on the bandwagon of writing for a random high page rank or high traffic blog, there are some more important factors and guest blogging guidelines to consider. You need to choose the blogs to write for carefully, always go for blogs with a high root domain authority. You can find this using SEO MozBar


According to wikiHow, “You need to determine the quality of the guest blogging sites you have collected with respect to their Google page rank, traffic status, activity status, member count and visibility in search engines.”



Assume that you are a regular reader of a blog that deals with interior decor, and you are aware of the type of articles that are regularly posted. Additionally, you too have a blog in the similar niche. Now, this would be the right type of blog for you to write for, rather than considering how to do guest blogging for a blog about which you know nothing of in terms of writing style or content. The right blog to write for is one in a similar niche to yours, apart from having high traffic and a good page rank so that guest blogging and link building from this blog actually makes sense!


How To Do Guest Blogging – Contact The Blog Owner


Before guest blogging for traffic, you need to be approved to write for the site or your work will be in vain. Irrespective of whether you know the blog owner or not, drop in a line requesting permission to write a guest blog. Always keep your communication pleasing and professional.


How to do Guest Blogging

Some blog owners may require you to send them your completed blog post for consideration, while others may just need to know the topic you’d like to write on, a basic outline of your material and details of your existing site while offering your guest blogging services.


So, you may wonder now how to guest post on a blog. When requesting permission to write a guest blog, include your social networking information, e-mail address and blog address in your signature. Be sure to state that you’ve been a reader of the site for a while and you find it inspiring. Explain what you’d like to write, why you’d like to write on that topic and what benefits you foresee as a result of writing it.



If the topic you have in mind has a precedent where it has been helpful to readers as a whole, be sure to include this information as well. The website owner may check your blog and social activities to see how much you are involved in social media, since this has a direct bearing on whether your guest blog will be an asset or a liability and whether you will build your guest blogging network in the future.


Most guest bloggers have an agreement in place before they begin writing, and here are some things you should cover.


  • Compensation – You may not be paid for your guest blog, but be sure that this is explicitly stated so as to avoid confusion down the line.


  • Content rights – As part of guest blogging best practices, make sure you are clear as to who retains copyright and whether you are allowed to re-post the article elsewhere. Some sites have a window during which content should not be reused, even if you retain copyright to it.


  • Attribution – Guest blogging makes sense only if there is some form of attribution acknowledging your work. Check on what form of attribution is involved as well as the number of website and social links you are allowed to include with the attribution.


How To Do Guest Blogging – Write The Guest Post

 How to do Guest Blogging

When writing an actual guest post, make sure that it blends in with the site on which it will be hosted, but will generate enough interest for readers to want to visit your website to learn more. Make your content absolutely new and different. Rather than writing a post that sounds like a rip-off from other sites, make your originality stand out in the way you write and in what you write. As stated by Kissmetrics, “Getting to know your target blog’s content is key.”



Include back links strategically, without making readers feel that they are being compelled to click on a link to know more. Avoid promotional content of any kind and make your blog look credible, sophisticated and outstanding. Apart from including a subtle link or two to your website, include back links within the site for which you are writing, so that your post actually adds more value to the site.


How To Do Guest Blogging – Promote Your Guest Post


How to do Guest Blogging

Once your guest post is published, you may have to wait for a while before you get to see results. However, in a few days, you begin to get tremendous blog exposure especially if you’ve been smart in choosing the site for which to write. As your blog traffic increases, try to capture visitors by directing them to your best blog posts (so be sure that you have something outstanding on your site).


When visitors from your guest post see that your site has something useful to offer them, they will most likely become regular visitors, and may even soon write in to you requesting permission to write a guest post on your site or get your opinion on how to do guest blogging!


Rather than sitting back and waiting for miracles to happen the guest blogger should take action, be proactive and promote the article on social media. This is a great strategy to gain favor with the blog owner while promoting your own work and you may even end up with paid guest blogging jobs in the future.


How To Do Guest Blogging – Interact With Readers

 How to do Guest Blogging

Although you’ve written for another site and interaction with users is primarily the job of the site owner, you need to take on the responsibility of replying to comments on your guest post. Try your best to answer all your readers’ doubts and queries, and you’ll soon build your own authority in their mind, landing you with more guest blogging opportunities. Ultimately, this translates into traffic and helps you win over people’s trust, reaping bountifully of guest blogging benefits.


Getting started with guest blogging may seem a bit difficult at the beginning, especially if you’re unsure of which sites to write for. You may need to face rejection a couple of time, but with perseverance, you will soon gain expertise in finding the right blogs to write for, pitching your ideas effectively and using your guest post to drive constant traffic and regular readers to your own website, making you an expert on how to do guest blogging.


Guest blogging can be a powerful tool to get hordes of visitors to your website – if you know how to use it. Apart from attracting users to your site, you also end up increasing your subscriber list, increasing your back links and get more exposure to your products and services. Having considered guest blogging advantages you may wonder, what is guest blogging and how to do guest blogging?   Writing your guest post for the right guest posting sites is important if you don’t want to appear to be someone who is shoving content up the noses of those…

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How to do Guest Posting


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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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