A blog is a platform on the internet that allows users to share their opinions, reflect on them, and discuss virtually everything and anything in the form of a journal.
In this era of computing, one can actually get his thoughts and ideas to as many people as possible through the various social media applications.
It is, however, imperative that one gets to know his/her target audience to be able to reach out to them. Otherwise, one will find himself/herself blogging and not getting any response.
In such a scenario, one must be able to identify a part of the society that interests people, but has not been a topic of discussion.

Consequently, a blogger must find a niche, which is a focused but lucrative spot of the market, of his/her blog to ensure that his blog reaches out to the intended group.
Someone might be wondering what this particular but lucrative spot of a market is. On a daily basis, people write about many things. As such, it is practically impossible to write on something new that has never been discussed before.
With this realization, one must be wise enough to know that being consistent and writing about a particular issue in the society, he/she will be sure of a permanent audience hence relating to profits.
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Examples of niches can be web design, parenting, fitness, finance etc. Whereas it is not bad to write about everything and anything, it is good practice to focus on one item if one is to become a sort of a blogger.
Imagine a blogger who blogs about parenting, fitness and finance on a daily basis and another one who blogs about fitness only on a daily basis. Taking, for instance, you need advice on solving a fitness problem, which one among the two would you follow for advice. I can bet that you will be interested in the one who blogs about fitness only since he/she will be having enough details hence meeting your needs.
Steps to Find a Perfect Niche Before Starting a Blog

#1. Find Your Passion
Before one thinks of blogging, he/she must find his/her passion. This is something that one enjoys doing and reading. It’s something that one can do and not expect to be paid or a reward for it.
That’s one way of discovering ones’ passion. Another way is by noting one’s’ hobbies. If you love doing something, then that can be your passion. Some people hit the gym every morning not because they want to lose weight, but just for fun without getting tired of it. That’s their hobby.
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Other people would spend hours in the library reading on one subject. Everyone has something that makes him/her extremely happy doing. As earlier mentioned, one has to find a niche to blog about.
When one realizes his/her passion, finding a niche becomes a walk in the park. For instance, if one loves working out, there is a higher probability that he/she has the knowledge and skills required in exercising. With such knowledge and skills, one can easily blog about it and never get exhausted or run out of ideas to blog.

#2. Find a Gap in the Market
In choosing the right niche, one that will translate into profits and excitement, one must ask him/herself if there is a demand for his/her blog in the market.
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Finding the right niche is the first step to a successful blogging career.
Determining whether there is a gap in the market for that blog is another great step in the journey. It is of no use to have a blog that will attract traffic online but not translate into profits. One can decide to blog about free text messages or free Wi-Fi. It is possible that the audience will be huge, but it does not translate into profits.
In finding a gap in the market, one has to study the behavior of internet users. For instance, you will notice that in the recent past, cases of obesity have been on the rise. People search the internet every other minute to get tips on how to lose weight and keep fit. With that, it is clearly evident that there is need to advise the masses on physical body fitness. However, it does not mean that there are no blogs on fitness. There are thousands if not millions of blogs that talk about fitness. One has to invent some unique features in his/her blog to attract the large group that seeks to know more about fitness. Sticking to a niche and blogging frequently, a blogger becomes the source of help for the desperate masses.
#3. Target Audience
After finding a gap in the market, it is vital that one identifies his/her target audience. In as much as everyone might require certain information, the need to differentiate them in ages is very important. There is information that is uniquely suitable for youths, young adults and the elderly, despite the fact that the blog’s’ niche might be the same.
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For instance, taking a niche of fitness, the information in the blog must target the youth, young adult or the elderly independently. Something that will benefit the youth does not necessarily mean that it will benefit the elderly hence choosing an audience is critical.
Failing to identify the target audience might be disappointing as the blogs will either be ignored or criticized negatively. Choosing the right target audience ensures that your blogs are not taken out of context or deemed offensive.
Final Thoughts
Concisely, a niche will ensure that a blog reaches out to its target group with ease. Getting a perfect niche involves finding one’s’ passion, looking for a gap in the market and finally determining the target audience.