Over the past decade, social media has drastically changed the way people communicate. It has managed to bring people, restricted by physical boundaries, closer to each other. Social Media is now a global commerce industry constantly evolving and open to people for work. This article will discuss the significance of certain Social Media Online Jobs, a social media job description, where to find online social media jobs, and other supplementary concepts within dealing with social media jobs from home, entry level social media jobs, remote social media jobs, virtual social media jobs, and freelance social media jobs at home.
Popular social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, due to their abundant user database are now offering Social Media Online jobs like social media manager work from home with other part time social media job openings also available.
What are the different Social Media Online Jobs available?
Social Media Online Jobs do not keep your job profile limited to sharing of posts, asking for likes/re-tweets, as social media is now an advanced medium for marketing to a worldwide audience. In 2013-14, over 87% of businesses worldwide began using social media as a marketing tool. This opened up opportunities in work at home social media careers.
Several social media job vacancies have opened up in the past decade. Few of the most demanded social media online jobs are:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist
SEO plays an integral role in shaping the visibility of Social Media Companies online, especially to an expanding user database. A SEO specialist is important to any company that depends on the internet to draw in customers for their website, for example, e-commerce websites. Optimizing content with SEO will require an expertise in content development specific to an industry.
In the words of SEO.com, “An SEO specialist could be described as someone who helps users find what they’re searching for when using search engines like Google and Bing. However, that is merely the tip of the search engine optimization iceberg.”
As a SEO Specialist, you will have to research content from few websites, organize your content, and incorporate certain keywords to enable your content rank higher on web search engines like Google. A job earlier regarded as one among the entry level social media jobs is now one of the highest paying jobs in the market taking over the position of a social media manager work from home.
Social Media Strategist
One of the few virtual social media jobs available in the market, Social Media Strategist tops the list of fruitful work at home social media careers. Strategizing every move a company makes offers an outline, a direction of work to the entire process. Mashable.com, explains beautifully through a Infographic “What Does It Take To Be a Social Strategist?”
Similarly, social media strategists plot a course of action that a company’s officials can follow to ensure maximum profits from all their social media policies. A social media strategist serves to bridge the gap between a business and its customers on social media.
Social Media Marketing Manager
One of the most prominent Social media online jobs, social media marketing managers are responsible for overseeing the process of social media marketing and its strategies. The main objectives of a social media manager are to make a brand out of the company, build its brand image, and thrive among other competitors.
The position of a social media manager work from home is one among the many crucial Social Media Online Jobs that companies offer. According to krusecontrolinc.com, “The Social Media Manager is a highly motivated, creative individual with experience and a passion for connecting with current and future customers. That passion comes through as he/she engages with customers on a daily basis, with the ultimate goal of turning fans into customers.”
Social Media Marketing Coordinator
Social media marketing coordinator, one of the few freelance social media jobs at home, just like most Social Media Online Jobs revolves around social media marketing. Social Media Managers perform essential tasks related to administration of social media profiles. The requirement of this position is a consistent development of unique content.
“If you’re fresh out of college and know a thing or two about social media, especially if you blog, you may be a great candidate for a gig such as social media coordinator or social media specialist,” writes Kristen Fischer on Mediabistro.com
Social Media Copywriter
Many firms that operate worldwide use the term copywriter for their resident bloggers and article writers. Their efforts in content development are reflected in the firm’s online presence. As attracting viewers to the company’s web page is essential in measuring the turnover for every firm, copywriters are required to develop unique and engaging content.
Students can join firms that offer part time social media job openings for copywriters among other Social Media Online Jobs and develop their work at home social media careers.
Where to Find Online Social Media Jobs?
Even though social media marketing operates over the internet unlike most conventional streams, their jobs can be found on renowned recruitment websites like:
LinkedIn is the premier source of jobs for job seekers enabling them to connect with quality employers, who are looking to hire people for specific projects. Over 35 million users use LinkedIn, employers and employees alike.
Social Media Online Jobs are available in a separate category on LinkedIn with several recruiters offering both full-time Social media Online Jobs and freelance social media jobs at home.
Even though Jobster is not as famous as other websites for finding Social Media Online Jobs, it is still a powerful platform for networking among prospective employees and employers. You can upload your resume in interactive formats, add references to your social media accounts, and apply to jobs that require your skills.
Twitter, another social media website that has risen to power within the past decade, is now opening doors for recruiting employers. You can follow your dream company on twitter, read through their tweets, ask for any part time social media job openings, and mention your interest in joining their organization. Linking your blog in your tweets that are also visible to other recruiters increases your chances of getting virtual social media jobs.
Contradictory to popular opinion, Facebook can help you get hired, especially for Social Media Online Jobs. Registering on Facebook’s marketplace will highlight your application along with other applications on a network that is open to employers.
Most employers find it easier to hire appropriate candidates for social media online jobs through such platforms that showcase the employer and their ability to engage an audience online.
There are many other platforms where you can look for social media jobs online, such as: Monster, Career Builder, Indeed, Simply Hired etc.
To Conclude
Social Media Marketing is ushering a new chapter in marketing gradually bettering the returns on investments when compared to conventional marketing trends like email marketing, influencer marketing etc. With Social Media Online jobs available as full time and part time social media job openings, social media marketing is a rewarding platform for freshers as well as veterans in marketing.
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