If you thought you’d done it all to get ahead on social media, think again. Social media platforms have taken the world by storm and techniques to get ahead of competition are ever evolving. Getting more Twitter traffic, in particular, has become an integral part of any social media campaign, and almost every business, no matter what its size, is on Twitter.
This platform is the perfect building block for successful companies to connect to customers and build relationships.
The sad part, though, is that with the scores of businesses trying to tap into Twitter, harnessing the traffic of this medium has become difficult.
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Even brands that have thousands of visitors to their Twitter account each day, have trouble when trying to increase Twitter traffic and redirect visitors to their website.
However, difficult does not mean impossible when you learn how to Tweet a blog post. With the right strategies, you can get value out of your Twitter traffic and smartly redirect visitors to your website.
The goal is to get visitors to click your Tweeted links rather than just re-tweet, reply or like them.
Steps to Get Value Out of Your Twitter Traffic

1. Watch Your Twitter Traffic Stats
A great thing about Twitter is that it provides free statistics that you can use to analyze each Tweet’s engagement.
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However, these stats are not always easy to navigate through. For example, you can’t really search to see which of your Tweets were the most clickable or engaging, or driving your Twitter traffic.
To keep an eye on your stats, though, export them into a spreadsheet and sort them out. Once you get a list of your most popular and clickable Tweets, it will be easier to replicate them for future use.
2. Limit The Number Of Clickable Links Per Tweet
While you do want to direct visitors to your website, you certainly don’t want to overwhelm them with too many links or hashtags.
In fact, a study revealed that up to 23% more clicks were generated by Tweets without a hashtag or mention.
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A probable reason behind this is that hashtags tend to steal some clicks since they themselves are clickable.
While you can’t really Tweet without a hashtag since hashtags improve your Tweet’s visibility, use them wisely. For example, use just one hashtag per Tweet and move it and your mentions to the end, after your link.
3. Tweet Yourself
Bringing up your more successful Tweets periodically can make a world of difference. When you quote your own Tweets, they don’t count within the 140-character limit, so you can add more context to your Tweet and bring back older, successful Tweets.
4. Ask A Question
As always, audience engagement drives greater popularity. Tweets that include a question mark tend to get up to 25% more clicks.
In fact, simply search for a keyword of your choice and include a question mark after a space and get a glimpse of what is trending on your topic of interest.
5. Use Click-Triggers For Twitter Traffic Wisely
Phrases such as “download” or “click here” may work very well in Tweets, if not abused. Don’t overwhelm visitors by stuffing call-to-action phrases into every Tweet. Rather, make their use meaningful or you will just come off as an aggressive salesperson.
Also, consider using different, more effective click triggers, such as “hurry”, “join now”, “get instant access”, last chance”, or “closing soon”.
These phrases convey a sense of urgency without being too pushy, and also generate interest in what you’re offering.
6. Tweet About Relevant Trends
Irrespective of whether you’re doing a blog post or a Tweet, relevant trends always cause a spike of interest.
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So combine the two – cover the trends in a blog and use Twitter to get people to read it and you’ll be surprised at the results.
Check out popular hashtags to get an idea of trending content that you can tap into as well.
7. Don’t Stop With Tweeting A Link Just Once
A Tweet’s lifetime is just a mere 18 minutes. Once its time is up, your Tweet becomes invisible, unless it goes viral and you get Twitter traffic by the hour.
With the millions of people online each day, what really are your chances for your Tweet to be seen in just this short window of time?
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Well, only a small fraction of your followers will even notice your update in this time – if they’re online. So you need to take extra effort to bring your Tweet forward repeatedly at different parts of the day and week so that it gets noticed.
Since you can quote your own Tweets only once each, you’ll need to re-purpose them and use the same link using different copy.
8. Use Twitter Cards
Optimize your landing page to better convert your Twitter traffic. One way in which you can do this is to use Twitter cards that give your URL special treatment when you Tweet it.
Your Tweet with a video, page thumbnail or website icon beside it looks more attractive, creates expectation and increases the chances of conversion.
9. Social Media Reviews
Embed a Tweet that praises your product or services on your page, to catch the eye of your visitors.
Using social media reviews is one of the best ways to convert your Twitter traffic, and this is something you should indeed tap into.
Aggregate and display your social media testimonials or choose featured reviews and publish it on your website.
10. Remember The Basics
While you’ve set out to get Twitter traffic and harness its power with innovative ideas, don’t miss out on the basics.
Most Twitter users are in a hurry and read information in bits. They have absolutely no patience for a slow page, so make sure that your landing page is mobile friendly, rarely down and loads fast and efficiently.
Also, test out your landing page for the best converting layout and choose the one that works best for you.
In Summary
Harnessing the power out of your Twitter traffic and converting your visitors into website clicks is possible with the right strategies in place.
Pay specific attention to your Tweets and use the right click triggers without abusing them. Watch your stats to see which Tweets do well and replicate your success.
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Also, optimize your landing page so that your visitors have a pleasant experience and that your visits turn into conversion.
Although social media platforms such as Twitter are virtually inundated with businesses trying to compete with each other, smart strategies certainly work and have great results.
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