26 February 2025
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How to Write a Great Blog Post – Key Elements for Beginners

How to Write a Great Blog Post – Key Elements for Beginners

These days many people are taking up blogging as their profession. So I thought an article about how to write a great blog post would be really helpful for all the rookies in the game. Write a blog post and make money is not as easy as you think. Writing great stuff which is perfect, powerful and engaging is the key to successful Blogging. Hence the most important question – how to write a good blog post?


Suppose you want to write a blog post in WordPress or any similar platforms. I assume you already know how to create a blog. Once you know how to start a blog, the next crucial step is generating killer contents. As a beginner, it’s important to learn the tips for writing a good blog post. Here I discuss about few awesome blog writing tips to help newbie bloggers in writing effective blog posts.

How to Write a Great Blog Post – Guide for Beginners.


Have a Good Understanding about Your Target Audience

How to Write a Great Blog Post


This is the pivotal step where you decide your blog topic. You can write a blog post about yourself or about any other topic you like to talk about. While you craft a blog post, there is something equally important as writing great blog content. That is, whether you are able to provide what your reader really wants.


After you have selected the niche for your blog, do a research about the interests of your readers and recognize their queries. You can also encourage them to post their queries in the comment section.


Once you know what your readers are looking for, frame your blog titles and contents in such a way that it keeps your readers interested. And they keep coming back to read more of your blog posts. In short, without having a clear understanding about what your reader is looking for, you would never know how to write a great blog post.


Be Impressive


Writing a good blog post

Blog posts should be informative as well as engaging. Most readers judge the blog post by reading the first few lines. So make sure you always have an impressive and effective start. Content should be original and at the same time free from structural, grammatical as well as spelling mistakes. You can also make use of appealing images along with your content. This could help the readers to connect more with your articles.You can also check out this engaging post on simple formula to follow while crafting a blog post, by Rachel Sprung on hubspot.com.


It’s always an added advantage if you have a unique style of writing. There is a common misconception regarding how to write a great blog post. Many beginner level bloggers thinks that a quality blog post is one which uses stylish words and advanced grammar. But that’s not right. A blog post written in simple language conveying information in a comprehensive manner is the one that gets you more readers.


Have an Appropriate Structure


how to create a blog

Every blog post should be structured properly, so that the reader can gather inputs in an organized form. The commonly used form of structuring an article is by starting with an introduction, followed by point wise detailing of the content and finally a fitting wrap up for the discussion.


Appropriate usage of headings, sub-headings, bullet points and a paragraph wise presentation of contents would add to the structural beauty of your blog post. The length of your blog post also would matter. I would suggest 800-1000 words as an optimum length for your blog posts. If your blog posts are less than 500 words, monetizing your content would be a challenge. So go for longer and well organized content for better results.


Keep Your Readers Interested


tips for writing a good blog post

Readers would be more interested in subscribing to a blog that regularly updates its posts. You can also encourage feedback from your readers through comment section. “How to write a great blog post” is not just about publishing your article, the level of interaction the author does with the readers is also equally important.


Just by knowing how to write a great blog post alone would not help your cause. You should be able to sell your content at the right places. Sharing in Social media and SEO would be helpful for you in this area.


Add Completeness to your Post Using Internal Links


Your blog would contain a number of articles. Since your articles belong to a particular niche, they would be related to each other. You won’t be able to explain all aspects of a particular topic in a single post. By linking related articles in your blog using internal links, you could provide your reader with a thorough understanding about various topics. Internal linking is also important from an SEO perspective as it helps Google to index your pages and thereby improving your search engine rankings.


Learn About Search Engine Optimization


awesome blog writing tips

The question “How to write a great blog post” cannot be answered completely without discussing about SEO. Your article might be of top notch quality. But unless and until readers find your articles in Internet, they won’t do any good. There comes the role of Search Engine Optimization. If you are using WordPress platform for blogging, you can make use of Yoast SEO plugin for this purpose. Identify trending keywords related to your niche and blog topic and use them smartly in your blog post.


But make sure you don’t go overboard with SEO. The keyword density in your article should not be so high that it ruins the readability of your articles. It’s better to keep your blog titles direct and simple rather than stuffing too many keywords into it. Writing a Meta description for your article is also important as it provides an overview about your article to your readers.


A good knowledge about SEO is very important for learning more about How to write a great blog post. So as a beginner, make sure you read maximum about SEO and related concepts. There are lot of resources available online regarding this topic.


So far we were discussing various tips and techniques about How to write a great blog post. I guess now you have a fair understanding about how to create a great blog post. These are just a few. Once when you start blogging, you would discover many more. Happy Blogging!!!


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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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