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HTTP vs HTTPS – What Is the Difference & Importance

HTTP vs HTTPS - What Is the Difference & Importance

In this article you are going to learn about HTTP vs HTTPS protocols, and the difference between http and https request.


Generally, when you browse through the internet, you may sometimes come across security issues. This is due to the web format. It may begin either with HTTP or HTTPS. The websites other than these web addresses are dangerous.



If you browse through those sites ignoring the warning, your information may be hacked like, your credit/ debit card details, your personal details and so on.


Wondering about how to check if a website is secure? No need to worry anymore, here I will provide the details elaboratively on http vs https performance.


What is HTTP and What is HTTPS?


HTTP vs HTTPS - What Is the Difference & Importance


HTTP is an acronym of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure.


Through these protocols the data is transferred from the website you are connected (server) to and your browser (client). ‘S’ in HTTPS uses the secured connection between the browser and the website.


The Difference Between HTTP vs HTTPS


The Difference Between HTTP vs HTTPS

(Picture Source)

  • Ports

HTTPS use 443 port by default, whereas HTTP uses port 80 by default.


  • Network Layers

HTTP operates on TCP/ IP model. HTTPS too operates through TCP/ IP but with SSL security where the information sent and received are encrypted during transmission and is only decrypted upon reaching the end user.


  • Security

HTTPS is secured with either SSL or TLS protocols. HTTP is not secured with those and the information you entered to those sites is highly enabled to eavesdropping. Difference between HTTP and HTTPS Wiki.



Is HTTP Secure?


The straight answer to this is no.


If you want to send the data through HTTP using encryption, first encrypt the data you are about to send. This way you can secure your data when sending through HTTP.


What is HTTPS?


Generally speaking, your information through the websites with http:// can be insecure and easy to eavesdrop by hackers.


Whereas, the information sent through https:// is secured and cannot be eavesdropped.


So generally the banking websites and many other websites seeking users’ personal information use HTTPS.



For example, consider Amazon. After selecting the goods you need to purchase, you will be redirected to the payment page, where you enter your confidential data like credit/ debit card information, your personal details like address, phone number and email id.


So in order to keep your data secure, they use https instead of http. HTTPS uses private key information to secure your data which only the owner can access the data.


What is HTTPS


So it is always preferred to use HTTPS enabled sites to keep your data protected. But of course it is not the only case you need to check for authenticity, you need to check for the information seeker’s, whether they are following the protective layers of security or not.


How to Switch to HTTPS


How HTTPS Works?


HTTPS uses either Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption to secure your confidential data which uses PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) system. Anything encrypted by this can only be decrypted by the private key and only can be accessed by the owner.



The information you entered will be encrypted and sent in the form of encryption to the server. In return, the server too sends information through an encrypted form either by SSL or TLS certificates. Only the sender and the receiver can know what is there in the encrypted data.


How to Switch to HTTPS?


  • Install it on your website hosting account.
  • The website is now changed to HTTPS from HTTP.
  • Make sure there are no redirecting or broken links of your websites after the change.
  • Set 301 redirects to HTTPS from HTTP. Due to this search engines will be notified that you have changed to secure websites.
  • Also replace the links from HTTP to HTTPS sites.


To know how secure a website is to buy online, simply you can check for https://. If it is secured, the website in turn turns to green color fonts.


How to Switch to HTTPS

Is HTTPS Faster Than HTTP?


HTTPS is almost 75% faster than HTTP. As HTTPS uses secured connection, the data is directly sent to the end user.


Whereas in the case of HTTP, it is not secure and the information will be hacked by intruders and there is a chance of altering the data by them. So it takes a bit time. But it can’t generally be noticed by humans.


Digital Certificates


According to The university of Texas, Austin digital certificates can be easily obtained from your device to secure your data when your browser doesn’t support HTTPS connection.


Google the leading search engine giant,  has specified that HTTPS is mandatory for getting high search engine rankings. If your website is running under HTTP, it is now time to switch to HTTPS.



According to CSS, the results show that how important are digital certificates to keep your data secured. The data encryption can be done by public and private keys, which lets you keep your data safe with you without the problem of eavesdropping.


With digital certificates, even if someone breaks the connection between the server and client, they cannot read the data as the information is already sent through encryption techniques and thus is hard to retain the data.


Benefits of Browsing Through HTTPS Enabled Websites


  • Visitors verify you as registered business dealers and you own the specific domain.
  • Trust building by the visitors of your website. This helps in making the visitors your regular clients.
  • Customer’s information is safe to enter as they are transferred through encryption techniques.


However, it is always preferred to browse through the website with an HTTPS connection when compared between HTTP vs HTTPS even though you are not entering your personal credentials.


You will always gather correct information when browsing through a secured website. You are in safe hands when you scan the information through secure sites.


We hope you found this article on HTTP vs HTTPS useful and informative as always. Do leave your valuable comments below.


HTTP vs HTTPS - What Is the Difference & Importance

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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
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