One of the most common challenges that writers and bloggers across the world face is coming up with ideas and topics to write about. In short, find the right content for next blog post.
They often find it very difficult to think of an idea that would not only engage their audience, but also keep them motivated to write.
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Writing on the right topic is absolutely essential for bloggers to build a following. If bloggers continue to write on similar topics over and over again, their followers are likely to get bored, that will result in fewer visits, comments and shares
Here is a list of ideas that will help bloggers to find their next topic to write on and generate more traffic:
1. Create More “How-To” Post – (Content for Next Blog Post)
Writing blogs with titles starting with “How to” is one of the most effective ways of attracting eyeballs.
Such blogs have also fared well in Google searches. It heightens the interest among readers, especially if the post you write instructs them on solving a problem.
Writers though must follow a definite pattern wherein they start by introducing the problem followed by the solution. They must elaborate each step of the solution and end it with a brief but strong conclusion.

2. Trigger a Discussion Among Your Audience
Often, you will find the next idea about content for next blog post coming from your audience. It is, therefore, very important to keep your audience engaged by having a discussion with them through the comments that they post on your blogs.
Comments from readers also help bloggers to know their take on what the bloggers write. Even the feedback’s given to them, prove to be very useful
3. Review a New Product
If you have a reputation among your audience as an expert in any particular field, make sure that you maintain that status. You can do this by keeping your readers informed through product reviews.
Such reviews help customers get valuable information and help them make informed buying decisions.
Product reviews also establish your leadership and authority in the industry. Writers need to follow a pattern when reviewing the product.
After introducing the product and the producer, writers should share their likes and dislikes before giving a recommendation and providing a call to action.
4. Compile and Write on a Set of Lists
A blog with a title starting, for example, with a “top -10 list” is a sure shot way to grab more readers as people love such lists and they at least take a look more often than not.
Numbered lists are popular for a very long time.Such lists acts as the perfect source for readers as they get information assembled together in one place.
However, writers must ensure that they describe each point in the list in detail as readers often drift away if such lists provide only half-baked information.

5. Turn Answers to Commonly Asked Questions Into Blogs
Businesses across verticals have a set of questions from customers that are asked quite frequently. Instead of employees answering such questions each time they are asked, it is easier for bloggers to turn the answers into content for next blog post.
Such blogs reiterates your status as an expert and saves time. Writing blogs based on Frequently Asked Questions may also lead to increase in sales in the future.
6. Include Infographics to Your Blog
Blogs that include visuals are viewed and shared more than the blogs that only contains textual information.
Infographics are one way of grabbing more eyeballs and is three times more effective than any other form of content.
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So, bloggers must ensure that they take the help of a graphic designer who specializes in designing Infographics. An Infographic may come at a huge cost, but it ensures that your blog continues to remain popular among readers
7. Write a Case Study in the Form of a Blog
A case study is the ideal way to convey the utility of your product. It explains everything about a particular product in brief and how it helped your clients in solving their challenges.
However, bloggers must ensure that they write case-study based blogs in such a way that it doesn’t come off as pure marketing.
You can make it trustworthy by including a testimonial from the client as it gives the blog a lot of credibility among new readers.
8. Write an Opinion Post
The tone normally used in a blog-post that has been written after thorough research, differs significantly from a blog where the writer has expressed his opinion on a particular subject.
To attract more readers, it is important for writers to write blogs where they express a strong opinion on a topic because the more vocal your position, the more it is going to get read.
Bloggers can choose any big issue or a popular topic and express your take on it. Writing such opinionated blogs results in stronger search potential.
Bloggers must be careful as constantly ranting about a specific issue can become repulsive. They also must refrain from criticizing individuals as that may attract negative comments.

9. Include an Interview
If you are an expert in a particular domain, make sure to interview leaders in that domain. You will get a lot of views and gain a lot of respect from your readers.
Interviews are exclusive and brings information that no one will be able to find anywhere else. As it is quite clear from this list, there are a number of options for bloggers to find content for next blog post.
To Conclude
The more variety content writers use, the more commanding their content marketing efforts become.
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Content for next blog post, irrespective of the form, should speaks to its readers. The readers in turn, convert, learn and share the content that increases the readership even more. Experts use such types of blog-posts to get inspiration.
So, whenever you decide to write content for next blog post refer this list as you should not have any more trouble coming up with engaging ideas.
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