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Internal Linking for SEO – How and Why to do it?

Internal Linking for SEO – How and Why to do it?

If you are a publisher looking to optimize your website with SEO, Internal linking and External linking are tactics that you could benefit from. Internal linking is a key aspect of the amalgamation of SEO and content marketing. Its importance has been more prominent in the recent years as offers for training and practice in internal linking in HTML w3schools have increased. This article will serve as a guide to Internal linking for SEO with internal linking example as well as highlights on how to do internal linking in HTML, internal linking of WordPress posts, and internal linking best practices.


What is Internal Linking for SEO?


A broad definition for internal linking would be the use of any links in your content that connect the user from one page on a domain to another page on that same domain. Internal linking in HTML with example of source links is widely used among publishers and web developers that are primarily focused on SEO.


The links are used for main site navigation that either link users to more specific sections of the website or back to the website’s home page. They are also used for linking to related content that is hosted on another website, i.e. source links or references, where the content was extracted. The latter is of greater importance, especially for web publishers.


Nonetheless, website navigation through links is important for architecture. However, it has little influence on your SEO. Internal linking for SEO revolves around links within the articles that you publish every day that can be exploited as a SEO tactic. Your team of writers and editors govern over your SEO, not your web designers. You can go through this article on Internal Links by Moz.

 Internal Linking for SEO – How and Why to do it?

(Picture Courtesy quicksprout)


Difference Between Internal Link and External Link


An internal link is a hyperlink that directs the user to another webpage on the same website or domain. An internal linking example would be the link to your homepage in an article published on your blog.


On the other hand, an external link would direct the user to a completely different website. Internal links can influence SEO heavily; hence, internal linking for SEO is a great tactic for publishers.


Importance of Internal Linking


Internal linking is an important practice for content publishers not only for its SEO ability but also because it is one of the few tactics that can be employed to instruct your content’s importance on search engines like Google.


For content marketers that earn from their content, it helps them make profits from content derived from other sources. A must read article by Neil Patel How to Rank Your Internal Pages Higher Than Your Homepage


Further Reads


If your article is a condensed version of another article, you can use internal and external linking as a means for offering your audience deeper knowledge of your content along with further reading options.


An internal linking example that most publishers use would be linking product or service reviews they publish to their older posts mentioning the product or service. This is beneficial for both the reader as well as the publisher as it offers background for the reader and promotes older posts.


Link Keywords


Internal linking for SEO keywords would enable you to use them more effectively. You can use internal linking of WordPress posts featured on your blog using specific keywords to point out to readers about other posts that feature content in detail. This will trigger Google’s algorithm to feature your content before others when people search for articles that feature the specific keyword.


You can also promote services and products offered by fellow sponsors. You would be marketing their brand by linking to their website or their page on social networking sites.


Check Out This Video on Internal Link Building


SEO Link Juice


Internal linking for SEO has a strong impact within the Google search algorithm. SEO Link juice is a quantitative term used for the same impact that links from external or internal sources have on a website. This impact goes as a recommendation for your website that has a massive influence on your ranking. If your website were to be ‘recommended by Google’, it would sit comfortably atop all the search results.


Internal Linking for SEO – How and Why to do it?

(Picture Courtesy Woorank)


With proper internal and external linking of content on your website, your website will stand out among others in line. One of the internal linking best practices is to use relevant and useful links as Google would scrutinize your website and rank it based on the quality of content offered. The addition of internal links in articles, other web pages of your website would offer Google ample evidence of your website’s significance.


The Flow of Link Juice A Quick Guide by Woorank



Internal Linking Best Practices for Effective Use


  • For Internal Linking of WordPress Posts, you can exploit plugins that make your regular text keywords to relevant link keywords that link to other content published by you.


  • Optimize your links. You can change their position in the text, font, color, etc. You can also optimize how the link changes color upon hover or click in internal linking for HTML. More importantly, you should also optimize the context of the links used to make them more relevant to the content. This influences your SEO Link Juice.


  • Add links that direct to the important pages on your website. Main category pages or your product page would benefit most from Internal linking for SEO.


  • You can try to add links that closely relate to the content as pointer links to other slightly relevant pages of your site. These are known as HTML sitemaps. They are crucial for websites that have several web pages that can easily get lost among the abundance. They not only help to promote content but also to distribute SEO link juice.


To Conclude


It is important to use the tactic of Internal Linking for SEO for web publishers. Proper internal linking would rank you higher over the competition. However, control over your internal linking and external linking is important. More the number of links, less the importance each one gets. One relevant link can easily outweigh bloat irrelevant links. 


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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
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