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Link Building: Can Infographics be Used to Build Backlinks

Can Infographics be Used to Build Backlinks

Link building with infographics is gaining popularity with every passing day. A good infographic can help you not only in building quality backlinks but also in increasing the SEO of your website. This is the reason why most popular websites use infographic SEO strategy.


Using Infographics on a Website


Using Infographics on a Website

(Source: 99signals.com)


You must know how to use infographics in your website that can go viral on the internet. The key components of a viral infographic are as follows:


  • Superb design: The first quality of a viral infographic is its eye-catching design. The infographics design should be superb and outstanding.


  • Well researched: Your infographic must be very well researched. It must give useful statistical data about a particular topic.


  • Outreach: Including a good infographic in your article won’t make it viral. You need to promote it in all your social media channels to make it reach thousands of people.


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Working on Your First Infographic


Now that you know the qualities of a viral infographic, you can start working on it. You need to first select a trending topic. You can search on Google about the infographics that are performing well.


Try to make it more attractive and informative than the ones available on the internet. Collect all the necessary information that you will require for creating your infographic. The content must have useful data that can help your readers.


After you have collected the important data, you need to put it into a beautiful design. You can use an infographic maker for creating beautiful infographics. If the infographic chart has an attractive design and informative data, it can earn backlinks from popular websites.


If you are not good at designing, you should hire a professional designer. Never compromise on the infographics design. You can get good designers from sites like Fiverr and UpWork.


After you have published the infographic on your website, you must ensure that others can share it easily. The things that you can do to enhance the shares on social media and the chances of getting backlinks are as follows:


  • Embed code: You can use SiegeMedia Embed Code Generator for creating an embed code for the infographic.


  • Content version: If you also publish the content version of your infographic, it will be very beneficial for your website. Include the content version at the bottom of the article. It can increase the SEO ranking of your site.


  • Sharing on social media: You can use Image Sharer App from SumoMe to make it easy for people to share your infographics on social media.


Finally, you have to use some simple and clever ways to promote your newly made infographic. Let’s take a look at the ways by which you can promote it effectively:


  • First of all, you need to share it on all your social media accounts. You must have an account in all the popular social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.


  • A press release can help you in promoting infographics. You can tell the story behind it and the way it has helped your readers. As many journalists follow press releases, they can feature you in online publications if they liked your infographic.


  • You can collaborate with successful social media influencers to make your infographic go viral.


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Can Infographics be Used to Build Backlinks?


what makes a good infographic


The main objective of an infographic is to attract plenty of visitors to the website and get backlinks that will increase your Google Rankings. It is important to measure the success of your infographics from time to time. This will let you know what works and what does not works.


Monitor Backlinks will notify you whenever your site earns a new backlink. Whenever a blogger publishes your infographics on his site, you must thank him immediately to form a professional connection.


You can check Google Analytics to see which website has given you the maximum traffic. This is the brief of link building with infographics.


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Tips on Link Building with Infographics


Link building with infographics is an effective marketing strategy. Infographics are huge, visual images which represent statistics or useful data in a compelling manner. As they can go viral, many businesses use them as an easy link building strategy.


The best thing about infographics is that they are very eye-catching. This is the main reason why many people reshare infographics on their social media channels, websites, and blogs.


According to a recent study, it has been found that infographics get three times more engagement than other content. This is why marketers use infographics to market their products and services.


Using infographics is one of the best link building strategies because many people share them. They provide backlinks while sharing it on their site or social media channels.


If you want to expand your business or get more traffic on your website, you should use infographics. Just like other link building strategies, you must have a plan if you want to be successful. Let’s take a look at the useful tips that can help in link building with infographics:


#1. Brainstorm


You must brainstorm while creating an infographic. It must be interesting and well organized. You should use graphics to enhance it visually. You must incorporate useful data, research, and statistics to make it helpful to your readers.


It must be relevant to your business so that the backlinks can bring potential clients and customers to your site. When you are brainstorming, think about any unique research that you can include.


You can use Google Surveys or SurveyMonkey to collect the opinion of your social media followers and customers. This will give you fresh data.


You must ensure that people find your infographics interesting. Unless it looks interesting, you won’t get backlinks with infographics.


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#2. Designing


The next step for link building with infographics is designing. You must hire a professional designer or use an infographic generator for it.


Canva and HubSpot are useful sites for creating infographics. You need to enter the information into the templates and customize it according to your choice.


Designers can match color schemes in a professional way. They match fonts and graphics in such a way that the product looks visually appealing. If your business does not have an in-house designer, you can hire a freelance designer from freelance sites.


You will get backlinks if your infographic is visually appealing. For successful link building, you must keep in mind the following tips:


  • Its size must be 600 to 800 pixels wide and 2000 to 3000 pixels tall.


  • You must highlight important information with larger fonts or graphics.


  • You must add its content version that should be keyword optimized. This will give Google an idea about the content of the infographic, thereby helping you earn backlinks.


  • The size of the image should be less than 1.5 MB. If the image is of a larger size, you should compress it for link building. Your readers will not wait for the image to load for a long time.


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#3. Promoting


The next tip for successful link building with infographics is promoting it effectively. After you have published it, you need to start with the promotions. This is the step where link building starts.


First of all, you should think about how to get easy backlinks. You can submit your infographic in the infographic directories. Visual.ly and Infographics Showcase are popular directories that will give you free backlinks.


Share it on social media. If you send email newsletters to your clients, you must include infographics with links in your next newsletter. Through email outreach, you can get success in link building with infographics.


Search for the websites that can have an interest in your topic. Send an outreach email to the owner of those websites. Personalize your email. Make sure that the email is to the point.


Your target should be to earn backlinks from the popular websites. Infographics SEO will help you in link building.


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#4. Monitoring


You must monitor your new infographics for link building. You must keep track of all the sites that have replied back to your email. To get extra backlinks, you can send a follow-up email.


You should also check if any sites are using your infographics without backlinks. If you find any such website, send them a polite email thanking them for using your infographics and requesting them for a backlink.


Wrapping It Up


You must read about on page SEO techniques to know more about effective link building with infographics. A well-researched content does not always get viral. Therefore, businesses and marketers use beautiful infographics that are visually appealing.


Design brilliant infographics that can help in link building. Share it via social media, emails, and directories. If it interests bloggers and influencers, they will definitely include it in their site and give you backlinks.


Infographics are a powerful link building tool. In the present day, websites want backlinks for brand promotion and recognition.


In 2016, infographics became the best-performing content in digital media. They are extremely popular with the audience on the internet.


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Link building with infographics

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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
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