29 March 2025
Home / Tech News / All About The New Sony Contact Lens Camera

All About The New Sony Contact Lens Camera

All about sony contact lens camera

The Future of Technology Is Just a Blink Away

Move over google! Sony patents the most advanced Sony contact lens camera capable of taking pictures with a mere blink. This device gives mankind an intriguing look into the future, quite literally!


Sony Contact Lens Camera

        (Picture Curtesy :- www.dreamstime.com)

Contact lenses focused on just improving vision or changing up your look is a thing of the past with this new Sony invention. A new patent, awarded to the company in April, describes a contact lens that works by detecting user’s deliberate blinks and can record and delete videos on the go.

Sony filed a patent in the US in May 2013 but was only picked up by the media last week when Twitter went berserk with the news getting mixed reviews. While some exclaimed that this was indeed the best time to be alive, others brought up the issue of recording without consent. But even with the frenzy it created, it will not be an understatement to say that mankind is at the top of his technology game with this wearable innovation.

How many blinks does it take?

Normal blinking usually lasts from about 0.2 seconds to 0.4 seconds, and therefore it can be said that when the time period of blinking exceeds 0.5 seconds, the blinking is conscious blinking.

The ‘Smart’ Sony Contact Lens Camera would have a display feature, allowing the user to view the captured pictures and also an “on” and “off” switch so it would not take a photo every time the user blinks. The user on pressing his/her closed eyelid at a certain point is sensed by the piezoelectric or pressure sensor, hence turning on the camera.


All New Sony Contact Lens Camera

(Picture Curtesy:- http://cdn.slashgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Bildschirmfoto-2016-04-28-um-16.15.41-700×381.png)


Technology tucked into your eyes

This very minute device is powered wirelessly through a built in antennae which is placed towards the border of the eye so as to avoid any disturbances in vision for the user and contains features including auto focus, automatic exposure and adjustable zoom.

This All New Sony Contact Lens Camera may even feature aperture control, auto-focus and image stabilization to provide a solution to the blur caused by the eyeball’s movement. Sony’s patent also boasts a display showing additional controls that can be set off by a “tilt sensor” to avoid a bad angled picture/ video. How thoughtful Sony!

The organic electro luminescence display screen contained in the lens lets user shoot videos and play them and also delete frames with a mere blink.

The eye wear also includes storage medium where the videos and photos can be stored without the requirement of an external storage device, making Sony’s patent different from that of Samsung’s.

Worried if your trip is going to last all day long? Sony provides a solution to that with its power source that uses electromagnetic induction to keep the lens running throughout the day.

The glint in your eye won’t come cheap

Based on the initial launch prices of Sony’s HMZ headsets ($799+) and the Google Glass launch price of $1499, and depending on the company’s target market, it is expected that Sony’s first-generation contact lenses will be priced somewhere in between these two price points when released.



Sony’s claim that these lenses will revolutionize daily life and bring us closer to living in an augmented reality is just a step away from turning into reality. And of course the next time you plan on going skydiving or mountain biking or even adventure rafting, you know exactly what you need to carry.

Hope you found the information you were looking for regarding The All New Sony Contact Lens Camera.

Happy Reading!!!


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Gaurav Jain
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