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Points To Remember While Choosing A Blog Name

After the content, what sets your blog apart from others is its name. Even though the course of content might change over a period of time; your blog name will be permanent.

As humans we are afraid of everything permanent, so we spend a lot of time working on the name than any other aspect of the blog.

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So before you start listing down the names, you might want to take into consideration the following points. I assure you they’ll help you come up with a better name.

Choosing Blog Name

Should you Choose a Blog Name That Relates to Your Content?

Ideally, yes. If you are sure that you are going to blog about the same topics in the long run, you should choose a name that suggests what you talk about. For example; Tech Crunch: it’s pretty obvious that it talks about tech.

Similarly, Business Insider talks about business. Such names leave very little to assumption for someone who found you on social media or any other blog.

But, if your content is not tied to one topic, you should choose a name that is more generic. For example; an adjective paired with your name or your favourite colour or your favourite thing. It will give you the liberty to blog about any topic whatsoever.

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A Blog Name that is Pronounceable

I highly recommend you to come up with a blog name that is pronounceable on the phone and otherwise. I once gave a very complicated name to my blog, thinking it sounds cool and unique. Only later did I realized, it sounded alien to people.

Every time I told someone the name, all they said was “WHAT?” In such cases your name is lost from their mind. Hence, you should choose a name that is easy to memorize and easier to remember.

Choosing Blog Name

Check for Domain Name Availability

Whether or not you are going to purchase a domain, you should look for a name that has a .com, .net, .org domain available. It helps ensure that you are the only one with that name around the globe.

You sure don’t want to compromise on being unique else you might lose your audience to someone with the same name.

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Do Not Use Hyphens

As a default in the online world, there are no hyphens in the name so people usually tend to go with that.

If your name is www.eMoney-Indeed.com instead of www.eMoneyIndeed.com , someone at some point might forget to add the hyphen. You are at a risk of losing your audience because of a simple dash.

If you are unable to find a domain without the dash then it’s pretty obvious that someone is already doing business under that name. The name is no longer unique to you.

Choosing Blog Name

Make Your Blog Name SEO Friendly

If you have your main keyword in your blog name, you have an advantage in the SERPS (Search Engine Result Page). For every search related to your name, your blog will be ranked higher. It will also help your website get a good rank on the SERPs.

You can try using your main keyword with an adjective. If you are into fashion then you can use an adjective before or after the word fashion.

Even though SEO friendly names have an advantage, it is not compulsory for you to go with it. You can make the content of the blog SEO friendly and yet be ranked higher.

Consider Buying Connected TLDs

It is not compulsory but you should consider buying connected TLDs to your blog’s name. So even if your visitor enters blogger.ly instead of bloggerly, he will be redirected to your blog.

Choosing Blog Name

Design a Logo to Choose Between Two Blog Name

If you are unable to decide which name to pick out of two, you should just design a logo for both the names. It will give you a perspective as to which one looks better.

Many times, a name sounds good but doesn’t work out well in the logo. Designing it will definitely help you lock down on one name.

To conclude, I would like to share a few additional tips that might help you choose just the right name for your blog.

  • Be as creative as you can. It’s not necessary to have a corporate name unless that’s the tone of your blog.
  • Be unique. Check all possible platforms for the name you decide to choose. If you find one or two social media accounts in that name, it won’t make a huge difference. But if all social media platforms have it, it’s about time you drop the name and move ahead with the list.
  • Choose an easy to spell name. Let the name be as easy as possible to remember, write, spell and type. You don’t want to miss any visitor because they couldn’t type the correct spelling.
  • Take as much time as you want to finalize a name. Like I said earlier in the article, this name stays with you permanently so make sure you sleep over it and think it through before making it official.
  • Take a second opinion and then a third. Your blog is not for you, it’s for others. Share your list with different people and see what they have to say about your shortlisted names. Take a third person viewpoint before you finalize.
  • Keep it short and simple. Don’t make a phrase out of it. It will help your audience remember and will eventually result in word of mouth publicity.

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You will be associated with your blog. People will know you by that name and it will become a part of you. So you better be sure of what name you pick.

I know it is hard to choose just one name when you have so many on your list. Think of it like this: which is the name that you would like to be associated with? And there you have your answer.

I would love to know how this article benefited you. Do share with us your new blog name in comments below.

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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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