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Top 15 Powerful Blogging Tips New Bloggers Will Love

Starting a blog might have been a prominently highlighted bullet point on your to-do list for a long time. And finally one day, you might have got yourself to actually start blogging. While executing a blog is easy, successful execution of it does need you to know a handful of blogging tips and tricks.


Anyone new to blogging will be haunted with questions like:


  • What type of blog should I start?
  • How to be a popular blogger?
  • How to start a blog on WordPress?


Clearly, blogging tips and tricks for beginners are best served if written as blogging tips confessions of a six figure blogger. And, that is exactly what this write-up tries to do for new bloggers.




So if you are on the lookout for blogging tips for business purposes or just some blogging advice, you are at the right place.



Read on to create successful personal blogs and blogging tips for new bloggers on how to make money with a blog.


Blogging Tips #1 What To Blog About



There are no successful blogs among blogs that were started for just the sake of blogging.


Blogs have to have a purpose and serve them too! Do not start blogging unless you have clear cut answers to questions like what can I blog about and why start a blog.


Think about the value addition or entertainment you are going to provide to your readers. Figure out what makes your blog different from similar blogs or websites.


Uniqueness is a must to deal with your competition. Great ideas are what makes a good blogger!


Blogging Tips #2 The Catch Is In Being Catchy


The reader makes a decision whether to read your blog in just a Nano-second. And clearly, nothing else can capture their attention than headlines and titles.



They are what should work in your favor to convert mere browsers into readers. Make your blog name attractive but be true to your blog genre too.


The blog name should give an idea about what the blog and posts are about. Each blog post should have a title that is striking and eye-catchy.


Blogging Tips #3 Socialize Your Content




The best blog sites and blog posts are the ones that spread like an epidemic. Readers always want to share good content with their friends and family. All you have got to do is to make it easy for them to do that.


Sharing happens mostly through Social Networks and make sure your blog is ready for that. Have Social Network sharing buttons on top and bottom of the post. A floating set of buttons on the side could also work.



Choose to have sharing buttons for most popular Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and LinkedIn.


Blogging Tips #4 Respect SEO



Visibility is what decides the extent and expanse of your viewership. Your blog becomes visible only if your SEO is good. Use apt keywords and make sure that you name all the images and pictures featured on your blog site.


Properly titled images could get you readers from Google Image searches. Bloggers using WordPress and blogger should fill in the Alternative Text Field for all the images.



The description given in this field should be short and keyword heavy to improve your SEO ranking.


For generating keywords, Semrush, Long Tail Pro, Uber Suggest, Google Keyword Planner etc. would be helpful.


Blogging for money surely depends a lot on the viewership your blog gets!


Blogging Tips #5 Speed Kills – Check Website Speed


Website Speed Test

Taking good care of the blog site’s speed is another one of those blog writing tips for starters. If your blog speed tests the patience of a reader, success would always remain as a faraway dream.


We live in an impatient, fast-paced world where everything is delivered in a lightning quick speed. Nobody waits for nothing and it applies to all types of blogs as well.



Do everything possible with your blog design to ensure that your blog pages loads fast. Keep track of your blogs speed from time to time and resolve all issues that seem to creep up.


Website Speed Test Tool


There is a tool called Pingdom and services from Google that could help you with this. Page Speed Insights is thus one of the starting a blog tips you should be aware of.


Blogging Tips #6 Content That Engages

 Engaging Content

My next blogging advice is regarding the content quality of your blog. An engaging blog would have readers who stay and return and that is exactly what makes successful blogs.


Your blog should be either informative or entertaining. It is how-to articles and entertainment related content that sells the most. If you go for timeless content and topics, the blog posts would stand the test of time.



Tips and guidelines and numbered list posts attracts readers. Always have good points to make and present it to the readers well. Read all types of blogs in your same niche and analyze the usual style of writing they follow.


It is not a bad idea to try and emulate that particular style of writing. Keep sentences short and catchy. Encourage competitions and polls on your blog to keep the users engaged.


You can also make use of this wonderful article writing tool called SEO Cloud Content. It will help you in:


  • Increasing traffic potential to your blog
  • Target your readers
  • Increase ranking potential of your blog





A comments section under each blog post would also come in handy. With great content on your blog site, you needn’t worry about – do people still read blogs.


Blogging Tips #7 Make Good Use Of That Comment Box You Made



If you have a comments section under each blog post, it is natural that you would get a few comments on some posts. Make sure that you take the time to reply to all such comments.


Always, try and make a small conversation with your readers. Everyone loves to be heard and your response could end up creating a few regular readers who would keep returning to your blog site.


Pass intelligent comments on other similar blogs as well and try to be part of the online community.


Being part of the blogging network is thus an important how to blog tip for blogging beginners.    


Blogging Tips #8 Invest Time And Money Into Your Blog Design And User Experience



Successful blogs have a great design that cares about the user experience of its viewers.


Hire a person with a bit of knowledge in web design to make your blog look a bit different and unique. Run of the mill blogs with the default design does not work well with the viewers.



The blog design should say something about your blog niche or brand. Make sure that the text is in a readable size and font. The design should never affect the readability of the content.


Complicated designs could turn out to be a huge turn off for prospective readers. A user friendly design is what makes a good blogger.


Blogging Tips #9 Pictures Speak Louder Than Words



Imagine a screen full of text and just text! Nothing spells dull and boring better than that. Adding suitable images is another one of those important tips for bloggers.


Blog posts with images attract more number of viewers. Images should support the blog content and should be related to that.


It should not end up in any copyright issues as well. There are site like Pixabay, Flickr, UnSplash etc. which offer images free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0.



All uploaded images should preferably be of high resolution quality. Apart from the obvious attractiveness, images could also be used for SEO purposes like I had mentioned earlier.


An image friendly blog would attract readers and convert your blog into one of the best blog sites.


Blogging Tips #10 Measure Stats But Not Too Early



This is another important blogging advice I could give you. Being obsessed with stats and analysis too early could get you demotivated. Just like any other new venture you launch yourself into, it is important that you stay patient.


Do not compare your performance with other popular blogs in your niche! It is natural that your audience will take some time to build up.


Do not analyze too many trends, results and install Google Analytics too early into your blogging journey.


Being patient is one of the most important blogging tips you should surely follow.


Blogging Tips #11 Tips For New Bloggers To Stay Motivated And Inspired



For a writer, being demotivated is much worse than having writer’s block! Staying motivated is important to always have that passion to keep writing.


Do not give up too easily! Stick with your blog and write posts as frequently as possible. Always be prepared for critics and welcome their suggestions.


Do everything possible to stay inspired to write your blog posts. It should never come to a stage where you find that you are forcing yourself to write blog posts.


Blogging Tips #12 Tips For New Bloggers On Marketing Themselves



Whether blogging for money or to be one of the best blog sites in terms of viewership, marketing holds the key! Make sure you exploit your personal network.


Share your blog post links on all your social networks. And get the people in your friends circle to share it for you.



Guest blogging is another one of those most used blogging tips for new bloggers. While you write guest posts in another websites, add a link back to your blog.


Another way to do the same is to join all forums related to your blog niche. Be a consistent contributor to get yourself and your blog noticed.


Blogging Tips #13 Proofread, Edit, Repeat


It is important that you become a Grammar Nazi and a Spell Bee. This one among all the blogging tips is simply non-negotiable!


High quality posts are what you should be looking to deliver on a consistent basis. Typos and grammatical errors make your blog post look unprofessional and hurried.


PROOFREAD, EDIT, REPEAT - Free Grammar Checker


Read, proofread and reread your post before you hit that publish button! Use functions like Spellcheck Plus and Grammarly to correct all errors.



It is always a good idea to get a fresh pair of eyes on the content you wrote. Reading the post out loud could also work.


Please cross check facts you have used in your blog post. Factual errors could affect your credibility as a blogger.


Blogging Tips #14 Installing Google Analytics


This shouldn’t qualify to be part of tips for new bloggers but is still important. It is something you should do after your blog is a bit established.




This Google service simply tracks and measures your blog traffic. Information related to this could help you improve results. Analyze important stats like number of visitors, referrals and conversion rate.


Figure out the reason for the bounce rate as that could impact your search engine rankings.


Blogging Tips #15 Getting Ideas And Overcoming Writer’s Block


A blogging tips article would never be complete without this one important blogging advice. Always have a ready list of topics you want to write about.



Have a few topics in your mind before you start blogging with your new blog. Use blog topic generator tools to brainstorm ideas for blog posts.


  • HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator
  • Portent Content Idea Generator
  • Blog Title Generator By SEOPressor
  • Tweak Your Biz Title Generator



It is important that you keep your creative juices flowing. Try to write posts that answer common questions that arise in your field.


Blogging Tips For Writers Writing A Personal Blog


Writing a personal blog is much tougher compared to a general topic blog site. Pick the personal topics you are going to write about. Be it personal anecdotes or about your latest traveling expedition, the blog post should be well planned out.



Build your audience slowly. At first, it would be just your close friends and family. Make sure that you post frequently and consistently.


Stay true to yourself while writing a personal blog. Follow these simple tips to end up with a successful personal blog!


Blogging Tips For Beginners On How To Make Money With A Blog


Blogging for money becomes practical only once your blog gets well established. It is blog traffic that converts your blog into money. Once good blog traffic happens, you could use your blog to generate income.



PPC ads, Affiliate Marketing, CPM ads, Media.net, Infolinks and Google Adsense are some popular ways to make money blogging.





Conclusion On Blogging Tips For Beginners


The above list isn’t a strict guideline you should follow! It is flexible and optional. Your approach could be very different from the above mentioned blogging tips.


And never give up on your blog! Stay patient with your blog until results happen. Low readership and zero comments on a post shouldn’t bother you!


Keep going!


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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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