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Role of Social Media in Promotion of Your Blog

Role of social media in promotion of your blog

Blogging is an amazing way to generate some good income by working from home. But the most important question here is how to become a successful blogger.

We all know the importance of having high quality content in a blog to generate good traffic. But is that the only thing? No. To be successful in blogging, one should know how to promote his content.

So here we are going to talk about the role of social media in promotion of your blog.

Role of social media in promotion of your blog

Understand Your Audience

Role of social media in promotion of your blog has become so significant in this social media age. While promoting your content through social media, you should know who your audience are and where you can reach them.

There is no point in promoting a blog about cinema in LinkedIn. Discussions happening in LinkedIn are more serious in nature. So what does this mean? Different social media platforms are being used by different kind of audience.

So first step is to understand what kind of audience would be interested in reading your blog. Once you have an idea about your audience, select social media platforms accordingly. You can make use of sites like ‘Technorati’ in having an idea about the social media platforms used by top performing blogs in your niche.

What are your Options?

A large number of options are available in social media for a blogger. It’s all about choosing the right platform.

We have Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, StumbleUponPinterest, Google Hangout and many more to help a blogger to promote his content.

Large numbers of social media platforms available today are greatly enhancing the role of social media in promotion of your blog.

Facebook is regarded as the most widely used social networking site in the world. So whatever be your niche, you can share it here as you can find almost all kind of people here. You can either use your account or a fan page of your blog to share links of your blog posts. Facebook has groups for all kinds of topics in the world.

To build your audience, identify at least 5-10 groups related to your niche, and share your posts in them on a regular basis. Face book also has option to boost your posts so that they would appear on the top of news feed.  A brief description along with a catchy image can get reader’s attention.

Role of social media in promotion of your blog

Twitter is more formal in nature. Different from Facebook, twitter allows only 140 characters. Twitter has twitter lists as an alternative for groups in face book. Here you can get subscribers for your niche topics. You can also direct message users to share your content. Good use of hash tags can get you more readers.

Role of social media in promotion of your blog

LinkedIn is a dedicated social media platform for professionals. If your blog is in these lines, you can try sharing links in LinkedIn. You can look for LinkedIn groups relevant to your topic and carefully place your links in those. Make sure you provide sources for quality discussions instead of spamming.

Role of social media in promotion of your blog

Pinterest is much more than just an image sharing site. It’s widely used for various marketing campaigns today. Promoting your blog in Pinterest is very easy. You can ‘pin’ pictures from your blog with a catchy title and description, so that your followers would be able to see that.

They can further ‘repin’ the same making it visible to their followers. Since the main attractions in Pinterest are images, make sure you use visually appealing images in your blog post.

Role of social media in promotion of your blog

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Catchy Headlines and Visual Appeal

You cannot display your entire content in social media platforms. You are allowed to add a clickable and catchy headline, a one line description about the content and an image regarding your blog post. So this is what you have to attract readers.

Make Use of Hash Tags

We all know about hash tags. Not only twitter, but other social media platforms like Face book, Instagram etc have this option. Effective use of hash tags can get more people read your blog. But it’s important to use hash tags relevant to your topic.

There are websites like ‘hashtag.org’ which would help to identify hash tags related to your post. Also do not over use hash tags. The optimum number in a post would be 3.

Role of social media in promotion of your blog

Don’t be a Spammer

You become a spammer when you provide something that the user does not want. So always make sure you provide quality content and target the right audience. Posting multiple times is not a bad practice. But make sure you use different wordings so that the reader doesn’t get bored.

Post at Best Times

Every social media has its own peak times of engagement. You can make use of analytics provided by these platforms like Facebook Insights to have a better understanding about best time to post on social media and when not to.

Cross Posting

It would be a nice idea to cross post your posts in one social media platform to another. For example, you tweeted about your blog post along with an infographic in Twitter. You can further pin it to your Pinterest account.

Use Social Media Buttons

You must have social media sharing buttons on your blog so that by clicking these, reader can subscribe to your respective social media page.

But make sure you don’t overload your blog with many social media buttons. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn are the most commonly used social media buttons.

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Role of social media in promotion of your blog

Viral Content Buzz

This is an amazing way to generate free social shares for your content. Widely used by bloggers and online marketers, here you can get shares for your content in exchange of sharing content for others.

It’s very easy to use. First of all sign up for Viral Content Buzz. Share contents of others and earn credits. Then use those credits to get free social shares.

Role of social media in promotion of your blog


Role of social media in promotion of your blog is becoming more important everyday as the number of social media users are increasing at a rapid rate.

Through this article, I am providing some guidelines regarding social media promotion of your blog. Keeping these in mind, generate your own unique strategies for social media promotion.

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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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