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SEO Tools Play a Very Important Part in the Success of Your Blog

SEO Tools

Welcome to the world of blogging and SEO tools in 2016. We have entered into a world of whole new technological innovation arising from all sorts of trade. Be it travel, social networking, education, healthcare, Virtual reality, Internet of things or blogs.


Every field is flourishing in a way never imagined before and in the midst of every business, blogs play an important part.



Blogs are a way to reach your audience or customers and give them insights into their business. Businesses use blogs to announce new products, changes in products, change in company strategy or something as simple as the joining of a new employee in the organization.


Blogs also help increase the search engine visibility for the businesses in a very significant way. There were around 276 million blogs active as of 2013 according to a report by Statista.


That’s a huge number and it includes almost all niches ranging from technology to travel and food. With that amount of content being uploaded daily on the internet, where does your blog stand out?

SEO Tools


How is your target audience going to get on your review of the latest iPhone or that long lost recipe inherited from your great grandmother.


You need something more than good content and your cousins who you send the links of your blogs to. You need good tools for your blog.


SEO is crucial for any blog to stand out from the crowd. It is necessary that the readers on your blog reach you by searching relevant keywords and come up organically.


The ever changing algorithms of Google search makes it hard for a writer to keep up with the SEO pace but it’s necessary and you can achieve this with the right SEO tools and plans.


We are going to suggest you some good tools and points to keep in mind while doing the SEO for your blog.


Now, there are going to be some SEO tools that are free and some paid and we have chosen our SEO tools on the basis of their impact in the visibility of your website and suitable for your blogs


1.Choose your Niche:

Sort out your target audience and work towards that in your blog. If you’ve got a technology blog, tech enthusiasts are your audience and sort out the keywords that you will need to focus on.


You cannot cover all the keywords but you can find the keywords that are in high demand and make your own space.


2. Build Relevant Backlinks:

Backlinks are when another website points to your website. Never buy the backlinks from someone on the internet. They should be made in a natural way otherwise your site may get blacklisted.


3. Focus on your Social Media Profiles:

Social media profiles are the best way to reach your audience and they follow on regular basis. Focus on comments and comment on other blogs social profiles so that people know about you.


Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram all cater to different taste of audience. Find your type and work on that.


The above mentioned were some basic tips for the SEO of your blog but that is not enough. There are many parameters to be followed while performing SEO on your blog and SEO tools help you in big ways to achieve that.


SEO Tools


Here are some good SEO tools for SEO of your blog:


SEO Site Checkup

SEO Site Checkup is a free tool that checks your blog using 45 checkup factors in 6 categories. The Site then provides you a score and summary which gives very vivid points to work on.


Google Keyword Planner

If you’re a lifestyle blog catering to girls, then makeup and proper makeup are very important keywords for your blog and if people are visiting your website using these keywords, there are some new visitors adding up to your list.


Google keyword planner gives you an estimate for the monthly google searches. If you analyze the trends for the keywords you aim for, you can take some serious decisions for your blog


Google Analytics

Figures play an important role in the SEO attempt for your blog. Statistics and graphs always help you understand your blog and your audience better. Google Analytics is a free tool by google that lets you analyze your website in better terms.


Google analytics tells you the number of visits on your site in real time and daily, weekly and monthly reports also.


You can see the sources from which the people are visiting your blog and you can also sort them by geography, platform, OS and device too. It is the first thing to set up with your blog.



Rank tracker helps you monitor search engine rankings for your website as well your competitions too. This tool searches most profitable keywords for your blog’s SEO campaign. This helps you to check your ranking progress on the search engines.



As we discussed earlier, if you’re running a blog, social media plays an important role in driving traffic to your blog and that in turn enhances your reach. Hoot suite is a social media management tool for managing, scheduling and engaging your audience in one place.


You can set up all your social media accounts in one place and manage it from a central dashboard with the help of Hootsuite.


The free version lets you manage three social media accounts which are more than enough for your blog. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, all in one place.


Moz Tools

The set of SEO tools from Moz are one of the most effective tools for your SEO attempts. Open Site Explorer, FollowerWonk, Moz Local, Mozbar and SERP Overlay are quite powerful tools when it comes to optimising your blog.


You can do things like backlink analysis, checking your twitter followers or get Search engine metrics for your blog with these set of tools.


Consistency is one of the key aspects when it comes to blogging. It’s not necessary to write posts on daily basis. You can write on a weekly or bi-weekly basis but keep writing.


It takes time to get the desired result with right mix of marketing, content and good SEO.


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We hope you found this article on SEO Tools useful and informative as always. Do leave your valuable comments below.


SEO Tools


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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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