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How Small Business Can Boost Sales by Cooperating with Micro-Influencers

How Small Business Can Boost Sales by Cooperating with Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers have become integral people of the digital marketing world. Influencers are highly effective when it comes to building your brand awareness and audience reach. This is the reason why major brands are using influencer marketing as a way to promote their brands.

Influencer marketing has become a popular trait currently and this is because of the ability to spark engagement and higher engagement rate which equates to increased conversions and ultimately leads to higher return on Investment (ROI)

A study by coursework writing service professionals has shown that influencers with a smaller fan base usually bring higher engagement rates than influencers with huge followings. Although working with macro-influencers is effective, their charges are too high for small businesses in comparison to micro-influencers, and this is the reason why small businesses tend to use micro-influencers to increase engagement.

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Micro-influencers are less expensive but have higher engagement rates. Note that if you want to work with influencers, you need to have a good plan because their reach is not extensive.

Having an excellent strategy will help to ensure that the audience you interact with via micro-influencers can become your potential customers. Your campaigns should also ensure that your name remains in your audiences’ mind, and that they buy what you offer.

In this post we have shared some of the ways small businesses can boost sales by cooperating with micro-influencers.

You will learn:

  • How to increase sales by cooperating with Micro-Influencers
  • How to choose effective micro-influencers for your small business
  • What to consider when choosing micro-influencers
  • Benefits of working with micro-influencers

Let’s find out how!

What are Micro-Influencers?

Micro-influencers are social media users but not celebrities, professionals or influential people. They are social media users who regularly share content on social media regarding their interests.

Unlike the experts, micro-influencers have a smaller following which can range from 1,000 to 10,000 followers but they bring higher engagements.

The number of the audience does not matter that much when you want to work with a micro-influencer. Unlike the situation when you are looking for a public figure or an expert or macro-influencer.

Some effective micro-influencers may have a smaller following of 100 truly loyal fans, while others may have 1,000 followers or even 10,000 followers.

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How to Increase Sales by Cooperating with Micro-Influencers?

#1. Engage Many Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers are less expensive than expert influencers or public figures, so you can activate many of them to sponsor your content. This is the effective way to make your brand reach wider audience.

By doing so, your small business gets recognized in the industry. Many small businesses have executed their influencer marketing campaigns by working with a community of micro-influencers and this has helped to drive sales to their businesses.

#2. Make Your Micro-Influencers Your Advocates

Perfect influencers are those users who are already following your business. When you use them to promote your products or services, their followers will have more trust in your products/services since the influencers are your real admirers. The good thing is that to convince them to be your brand advocates is easier since they already love your products/services.

For micro-influencers, you can use them in promotion by giving products free of charge. Interacting with micro-influencers is great since they are similar to your day to day customers.

#3. Use Them to Host Giveaway Contests

There has never been a better way to engage your followers than by means of giveaways. You can send freebies to micro-influencers together with a few extra products so that they use them for hosting giveaways.

Giveaway contests can convince your followers to engage with your business since they know there is a likelihood of winning something.

If the contest entails distribution of content or tagging fans in the comments, your business reaches a huge audience. The more people recognize your business, the more chances you get to boost sales.

#4. Allow Micro-Influencers to Tell a Story About Your Small Business

Many times, business owners think that promoting a business using micro-influencers means allowing them to post their photos with products in the background. While this can make a cut, it isn’t effective. If you want to make your products to reach and relate to your target followers, let micro-influencers tell a story of this concrete thing.

Make them to promote your products by telling an exceptional story in the way they feel it. They may decide to tell other followers about own experience of using your products/services or tell how your products can help followers to solve their problems. The main aim here is to tell a story that your followers can trust or believe.

For instance, big businesses like Adidas and Fit2Run used micro-influencers such as Emily (@myhealthyishlife) in their effort to promote the Adidas Ultra Boost. Emily told a story of how her experience was when she wore the shoes. She fairly confessed how she had a negative feeling about the shoes before.

Then Emily confessed, nevertheless, that she came to realize and shared a story of how the shoes were amazing. This is how she sparked the conversation of the shoes and hence attaining the aim of promoting the product.

#5. Let Them Review Your Products

When working with micro-influencers, send them freebies and ask them to review them. Due to the fact their followers have trust in them; they will be more likely to find the reviews to be authentic.

Give them freedom to say anything they find, be it the cons or any drawbacks if they notice any. By speaking honestly about your products, micro-influencers could help your business get trusted by your target followers.

How to Choose an Effective Micro-Influencer for Your Small Business

If you are wondering how to choose a micro-influencer for your business, use these tips below.

#1. Use Your Follower List

Micro-influencers are social media users; they are not public figures, neither are experts.  Sometimes they may be followers of your small business on social media. You can manually check your follower list or utilize social media marketing tools like Social Rank to simplify your search.

Once you connect with them, go through their Twitter handle, username or even the posts they make to find out if belong to a common niche or they belong to the niche of your target audience.

#2. Use #Hashtags

You can make use of #hashtags to search micro-influencers who are already fans of your small business.

Look for #hashtags that are relevant to your industry or product on Twitter or Instagram to know the popular posts which are for the hashtag you are using.

#3. Use Google

Another way to choose an effective micro-influencer for your small business is to Google it.

However, you must be precise in your search. Search for micro-influencers who are relevant to your small business industry.

What to Consider When Choosing Micro-Influencers

When you have settled on the micro-influencers you wish to cooperate with, consider the following.

#1. How Often do they Share Content?

For a social media to be engaging, consistency is crucial. The frequency of your posting is different from one platform to another as seen from a study by CoSchedule.

Some social media platforms would work well for few posts from one post to two posts and other one post only per day.

#2. Do Their Photos Get More Likes and Comments?

Find out if their photos get more likes and comments from their real followers. Is their audience tagging other people in the comments? Do they comment asking for products? What are the micro-influencers responses to the comments? Ensure to find out if the micro-influencers are engaging with their followers.

#3. What is Your Compensation Plan to Your Micro-Influencer?

You should have a way to compensate your micro-influencers. Do you plan to pay them per the posts they make? Or using Promo codes? If the micro-influencers ask their followers to use a code, you could pay them depending on the number of their followers who use that code to buy your products.

Benefits of Working with Micro-Influencers

If you want to boost sales, then you need to cooperate with micro-influencers as they are good when it comes to raising your business awareness. They are beneficial in many ways.

#1. They are Less-Expensive

This is one of the benefits of working with micro-influencers especially for small businesses working on a limited budget. They are affordable yet effective when it comes to promoting of your small business.

Therefore, when working with micro-influencers, you enjoy the benefits of minimizing costs while at the same time activating a large community of micro-influencers.

#2. Bring Better Conversions

This is another important benefit of working with micro-influencers. They are effective when it comes to driving better conversions.

As seen from the example above where Emily promoted the Adidas Ultra Boots, once she sparks the conversation, more and more followers are likely to contribute and hence giving Emily an opportunity to promote the product which makes her able to sell it.


From this post, it’s true to say that small businesses can boost sales by cooperating with micro-influencers. They help to drive engagements; they promote your small business and hence drive conversions by interacting with a relevant target audience.

Also, they are less expensive to work with and this makes them suitable for small businesses with tight budgets.

The good thing is that there are proofs of other big businesses that have actually enjoyed the benefits of working with micro-influencers.

Author Bio: Olivia is an incurable optimist who always sees the glass as half-full. She likes nature, knows how to enjoy silence and is keen on writing for various websites. Meet her on Facebook and Twitter.

How Small Business Can Boost Sales by Cooperating with Micro-Influencers
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