If you own an online business, then you already know that traffic is a key aspect. Traffic represents possible customers, which means that your number of sales will go up.
While good products and services will attract loyal customers, there are certain methods that could be used in order to generate more traffic.
Special offers and promotions are two of the most common tools for attracting customers. These offers are methods that any entrepreneur can use in order to give a little boost to their website. Here is how you can use them properly.
#1. The Right Timing
Special offers must be available at the right time, and if you manage to find the ideal timing, their impacts could be even bigger than you expected. There are various categories that differentiate the timing for offers.
For example, there is the holiday or seasonal promotions. Each holiday can become a good reason for you to have a special offer, and each brand can take advantage of this in its own way. For example, if you produce chocolate, Easter and Valentine’s Day could be the perfect occasions for a promotion.
There are also certain holidays that are profitable for any kind of brand, such as Christmas and Black Friday. Any business is able to take advantage of these, and they usually attract many customers.
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#2. Online Promotions
The internet is one of the greatest tool and you should take advantage of it. It is important to have a website for your business, and there are many businesses that only exist online, like the ones that can be found on Exchange by Shopify.
Therefore, you can use your website to promote special offers. For example, create a special offer for any visitor who is accessing the site for the first time. They will feel special and it is very likely that they will return.
You could also add an exist offer that appears whenever it seems that the user is planning to exit the page. This pop-up could offer them a certain discount so that they remain on the website and buy something.
You can also encourage repeat customers with special offers. This way, the persons who tend to buy from your business will feel even more attached to the brand and they will return.
#3. Quantity Discounts
Quantity discounts could represent a permanent offer. This technique is one of the most efficient and should determine customers to buy more. Basically, buying in bulk offers a discount to the buyer.
This offer will be greatly appreciated by merchants and distributors and you might earn some loyal customers. It is up to you how big the discount will be, and you could set a fixed percentage for the price.
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#4. Reward Points
Reward points are another way to make sure that customers will return.
If you offer a reward point for each dollar and then come up with some prizes for reward points, customers are more likely to spend more so that they can take advantage of the rewards points system.