Whether you’re on your feet all day at work or have successfully launched your at-home business, you should never take your health for granted. While it may be tempting to ignore minor aches and pains in the short term, it can be costly to neglect the first warning signs of potential health problems.
Your feet support your weight and help you move about, taking on more pressure and stress than any other body part. Unfortunately, many people neglect their feet until a small problem becomes a big one. The result is long recovery times and expensive procedures.
#1. Heel Spurs
This bony growth forms on the bottom or back of the heel. It’s usually caused by wear and tear on the plantar fascia (connective tissue attaching the ball of the foot to the heel). It creates the arch in the foot and is a shock absorber.
Heel spurs are the result when the plantar fascia is stretched or irritated. The cause may be improperly fitting shoes, too much weight, stress from an injury, or participating in high-impact activities.
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An orthopedic specialist can help you find proper supportive footwear, insole inserts, or splints to alleviate the pressure of heel spurs. Ice, stretching exercises, and other interventions are also critical.
If you don’t treat heel spurs early, surgical removal may be needed, which can be costly. You may also have to stay off your feet for several days. If you feel pain like a pebble in the heel of your foot, it may be a heel spur.

#2. Bunions
Bunions are deformities of the joints at the base of the big toe. They look like large bumps sticking out from the side of the foot just below the toe and are the result of the toe bone shifting out of place. Over time, the joint is pushed farther out of alignment and causes irritation and inflammation of the joint.
Many women develop bunions after years of wearing high heel shoes with narrow-toe boxes, but anyone can get them.
If you have a bunion, it’s essential to invest in properly fitting shoes with a generous toe box. You may also need to wear a bunion pad or foot orthotic to cushion the area. If you neglect the problem, the other toes may be affected, creating difficulty with walking.
If bunions are neglected for too long, the only recourse is surgery, which can be painful and requires a lengthy recovery period. Fortunately, Northwest Surgery Center and some other facilities now offer minimally invasive bunion surgery to reduce recovery costs and impact on your lifestyle.
Bottom Line
If your feet hurt or are deformed, don’t delay a trip to your doctor to discuss ways to minimize or reverse the problem. Treating foot-related health issues now rather than later is the best way to preserve your health and finances.
Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post on behalf of Northwest Surgery Center, but then again as always, we are devoted to providing content that is supportive and valuable to the readers.