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Why You Should Be Using YouTube In Your Marketing

Why You Should Be Using YouTube In Your Marketing

YouTube is by far one of the most underrated and overlooked marketing strategies that many people do not take advantage of. 

Yet it is one of the most powerful options you have at your finger tips when it comes to driving more targeted traffic to your website, blog, product, squeeze page, landing page etc. This post will highlight a few concrete reasons-

Why You Should Put YouTube On The Top of Your Priority List

#1. Large Volumes of Traffic

First and foremost, the amount of traffic that is on YouTube on a daily basis is nothing short of extraordinary.  More and more people are using YouTube now as a legitimate search engine to find what they’re looking for than ever before. 

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The sad fact is that the human race is progressively getting lazier and lazier each and every year (it’s true).  This results in more people searching for answers through YouTube videos, rather than traditional written articles or webpages. 

The good news for you is that you can harness the power of this traffic and start building a video presence.

The volume of traffic on YouTube is literally sufficient enough for almost anyone to grab a piece of the pie (the reason being because most people won’t ever get started).

Important note: It’s vital that you are keeping track of your traffic statistics using YouTube’s built-in analytics platform (see screenshot below).

Why You Should Be Using YouTube In Your Marketing Strategy

You must always know your numbers when it comes to marketing on YouTube.  Take advantage of the free information that YouTube provides.

Besides the overwhelming amount of traffic that YouTube supplies, let’s talk about quality for a minute.  What good is a massive amount of traffic if the quality is poor, right?

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Thankfully, YouTube produces some of the most laser-targeted and high-quality traffic on the Internet and for good reason. 

These people are on YouTube mainly because they are searching for a specific answer to a problem or they are looking for more information on a particular niche. 

Think of the last time you used it and what you searched for, even if it was just something as simple as a music video. Most people cannot go a single day without watching at least one video. 

That’s INSANE traffic each and every day circulating around You-Tube! 

Which brings me to my next point…

#2. High Search Engine Rankings

If you didn’t already know, Google owns YouTube. This is why you always see videos ranking in the top positions of Google for a given keyword. 

The weight that a YouTube video holds compared to a blog post or webpage is astounding.  As a marketer if you’re not focused on ranking YouTube videos in the search engines, then you are leaving a huge chunk of change on the table.

YouTube videos also tend to rank very quickly in Google (for all you impatient people).  They also take all of 5-10 minutes to create using your smart phone or camera. 

As long as you are optimizing your videos properly with SEO best practices in mind, the sky is the limit in terms of search rankings and therefore organic traffic.

Also ReadHow To Rank You-Tube Videos for Maximum Exposure

Focus first on targeting longer tail keywords (3-4 word phrases) to test the waters and see how your SEO matches up against the competition.  See examples in picture below:

YouTube videos also tend to rank very quickly in Google

By the way, the above screenshot is a ranking software called Serpfox.  To see a list of the top recommended SEO tools, take a look at this article below.

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If you find that you can easily outrank other videos and websites using long tail keyword terms (like the example above), try your luck with broader term keywords that have more search volume. 

You’d be surprised at the kind of results you can potentially see as you get the hang of ranking YouTube videos.

#3. Positions You as a Leader

When people see your face or hear your voice on a video, it immediately builds trust and credibility.  Once you start to gain more and more of a following this synergy results in becoming an expert and authority figure in your niche. 

You see, far too many people are too scared or shy to start a YouTube channel and post videos. This means that there is an incredible amount of opportunity to position you as a leader, with little competition.

Some of the most popular YouTube channels are just average people sitting in front of a camera talking about a specific topic.

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These people do not have special super powers or magical skills, but they aren’t afraid to put themselves out there.

The second you decide to create a YouTube channel/post videos, you immediately have a “leg up” on the competition. 

Do NOT worry if it is not perfect, you will get better with time.  You would also be surprised how NON judgmental and grateful people are for the information you provide (although there are exceptions).

All of the major websites, blogs and authority figures have YouTube channels, plain and simple.  This is just something you cannot afford to pass up.

#4. More Exposure for Your Website

Last but certainly not least, your YouTube videos will ultimately generate more exposure for your website. 

It’s as simple as leaving a link in your video description and saying “Check out my blog post on…”

With the more traffic your videos produce, the more people will click on your links, visit your website and hopefully buy your stuff!

Check out screenshot below on how to set up your descriptions for the highest possible click-through rate.

start a YouTube channel and post videos

This is especially powerful if you run a blog, as YouTube traffic can result in consistent daily readers. 

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These people will come back to your YouTube channel and click through to your website time and time again if your content is valuable (which is a whole other topic). 

Again it goes back to trust and relationship building, which is easier to convey through video than any other platform online.

To Summarize

I want you to start thinking of YouTube as one of your main drivers of traffic from here on out.  If you are just starting a new blog/website, start a YouTube channel with it. 

If you have an old website that’s struggling with traffic, create a YouTube channel and learn some basic SEO.  The people, who are not tapping into the power of video, are missing out on one of the most lucrative marketing strategies that we see today.

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Hopefully by this point you can see the true power of utilizing YouTube in your marketing efforts.  When you fully absorb the points I laid out above, you will begin to see the power here.

If you don’t even get slightly motivated to start a YouTube channel after reading this, then maybe it just isn’t for you.  But for the people that were inspired by this post, do yourself a favor and dive in head first. 

You owe it to yourself to utilize the sheer power and simplicity of YouTube. I look forward to seeing your videos!

Author Bio: Evan Hoeflich is a passionate Blogger, SEO Specialist and Digital Marketing Strategist, who takes great pride in providing his readers with the latest tips, tricks and strategies in the Internet Marketing industry.  He runs his blog Evan Hoeflich Marketing, to help as many people as he can earn an extra income online using powerful marketing techniques.

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