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What is a Blog – Difference Between a Blog and a Website?

What is a Blog - Difference Between a Blog and a Website

Do you know what is a Blog and how does it work? In this article, I will provide you a step by step approach to become a Blogger.

What You Will Learn

  • What is a Blog and how does it work
  • Differences between a Website and a Blog
  • How to create a Blog
  • Various Blogging platforms
  • How to make money with a Blog or Blogging for money

Before we start, you must know what is a Blog and how does it work?

What is a Blog?

  • A Blog is like anupdated online journal or like a diary.
  • A Blogger is a person who writes content for a Blog.
  • A Blog began as person’s personal mini site that was used to record his opinions, stories about anything.
  • It is normally asingle page of posts or entries, structured in a reverse order, from most recent entry to least recent.
  • It is a place to express your thoughts and passions to the world. You can also check Blog’s definition of wiki.
  • The posts in a Blog generally come from a single author.
  • The posts in a Blog are generally archived by date, category, author, tags and sub-categories.
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When you look at a Website or a Blog, you might ask yourself “What’s the difference between a Blog and a Website?” “Blog or Website which is better?”

What is a Blog Difference Between a Blog and a Website

Let me clear the main differences between a Website and a Blog:

  • A Website has content that is generally static, meaning it is not updated very soon. A Blog’s content is dynamic, meaning its content is updated regularly.
  • In Website the communication typically is one sided, that means the author posts information and a visitor can only read that information. But in case of a Blog, the author posts information and visitors can then provide feedback and their opinion using blog commenting section.
  • The content on a Website is generally structured via a navigation menu. But in a Blog, the content is displayed in reverse sequential order.
  • Google can index the dynamic content of a Blog more quickly than the static content of a Website.

There are other differences also but these are the main ones.

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Now the question arise “Are Blogs better than Websites?”

The Blog is a type of Website. Both are Important for a business. Creating a Blog like Website is the fastest method to get started online.

Here’s why…

  • Search engines like Blogs more than Websites because Blogs are dynamic and active. So, they get more attention from the search engine quickly.

Why?? – Because when you add a new post in a Blog, your Blog pings the search engines to let them know that your Blog has fresh content on your Blog.  This means more traffic comes to your Blog than that on a Website.

  • Blogs build relationship easily.

 Why?? – Because a visitor can subscribe a Blog easily and when Blogger adds a new post, that visitor can read it easily.

  • Blogging is one of the fastest ways of announcing the word about what you do.
  • If we compare Blog vs Website for making money, Blog always takes a huge leap due to the number of traffic it can generate as compared to a Website.

 What is a Blog used for?

Here, I am providing you some reasons for “why Blogs are useful”:

  1. Blogging helps businesses.
  2. Use a Blog to express your feelings.
  3. Show off your creativity.
  4. Blog for fun.
  5. Blogging opens new opportunities for you.
  6. Share your thoughts and give your opinions.
  7. Blogging teaches you how to become better at writing.
  8. Education: You will learn a lot.
  9. Blogging builds your resume.
  10. To keep a record of things and to be more motivated.
  11. A Blog is used to tell stories, share your poems, etc.
  1. Also ReadTop 15 Powerful Blogging Tips New Bloggers Will Love

 What is a Blogger’s Job? 

A Blogger is a person who writes a Blog. There are some duties that a Blogger has to follow:

  • Write content for the Blog.
  • Manage the guest posting requests.
  • On behalf of the Blog, he/she answer emails.
  • Conduct research to obtain authentic detail and information.
  • Choose subject that is interesting for readers.
  • Work with editors to shape the material so it can be published.
  • Manage the Blog community by responding to comments.

Blogging Platforms

A Blog is created with the help of Blogging platforms. You can get confused in choosing a platform for your Blog, as there are various Blogging platforms.

Today, we will discuss the pros and cons of popular Blog Sites and suggest you the best one.

So, let’s discuss these top Blogging platforms:

The Best Free Blogging Platforms

As there are dozens of free Blogging sites, from which some Blogging platforms offer better opportunities for growth, coverage and monetization.

While self-hosted Blogs require a unique domain and hosting, they do offer vast return over the best free Blog sites.

  1. WordPress: It is the most popular Blogging platform as it is free to use and easy to set up. It is a robust and secure system and one can customize his Blog in various ways. It offers 2 tools:

WordPress.com and WordPress.org. Let me clear the difference first.

Wordpress.com and WordPress.org

  1. i) WordPress.com
  • It provides hosting and domain.
  • It is free to start and easier to set up.
  • We are limited to a free theme and can’t modify it.
  • We are not allowed to upload any plugin.
  • We have to pay for upgrading different elements of it.
  • We are not allowed to sell any ads.
  1.  25 Most Important WordPress Tips, Tricks and Hacks
  2. Expert Review on the Best Responsive WordPress Theme’s
  3. WordPress 4.7 Exciting 11 New Features To Look Out For
  4. WordPress – More Than Just A Blogging Platform
  1. ii) WordPress.org
  • It is free to use.
  • We have complete control on its looks and operation.
  • We have to pay for our web hosting and domain registration.
  • We can use and upload plugin.
  • We can upload any free or paid theme and customize or modify it according to our need.
  • We can sell as many ads, as we want on our Website

I know that you might get confused in choosing one of these two. I will recommend you to go with WordPress.org as it provides you full control over the features, look and feel of your Blog. Only you have a small work in setting up your Blog.

  1. Blogger


Blogger is owned by Google

Blogger is owned by Google. It is one of the easiest platforms for the beginners. It is free to set up. All you need is just to sign in with your Google account using Blogger and your Blog starts in seconds. After that you can customize your theme.


  • It is totally free and easy to use.
  • You can place AdSense ads.
  • You have access to HTML code, so have more customization options.


  • You have only a fewer themes and storage space.
  • You cannot self-host your Blog. It completely depends on Blogger’s current offerings.
  • Your site will have .blogspot in the title.

Blogger is best for those who are looking for a free platform to share their thoughts. It’s one of the best free Blogging sites for casual Bloggers.

  1. Tumbler

Tumbler Blog

Tumbler is free and easy to use. It is a perfect place for micro Bloggers.

You can share content that is mostly pictures, videos, links and infographics.

You can easily start a Tumbler Blog, and all you have to do to publish something is pick up your content and click “Publish”.


  • You have Unlimited storage.
  • You have a number of theme options to choose from.
  • You have access to HTML and CSS for customization.
  • Tumbler Blogging platform is mobile friendly.


  • Backing up of a Blog is difficult.
  • There are only a few plugin options.
  • It is very difficult to monetize.
  • It is not good for long form content.

Tips for Writing a Blog

A Simple Formula to Follow

  1. Understand your audience – You should have a clear understanding of your Target Audience. What you Audience wants from your content. You should guide your audience with relevant content.
  1. Start with a topic and working with a title. Getting confused in choosing the topic for your Blog and you need a Blog post idea?? Choose one among the most popular blog post ideas.

After choosing a topic, you have to work on the title of the Blog. The Blog title should be eye catchy and relevant to the Blog. So, that when any visitor comes on your Blog he gets an idea about your Blog from your Blog title. Also catch and clickable titles gets more shares and likes on social media.

So let’s start. Here is a Step by Step guide for creating your Blog

Step 1: Choose a Blogging platform for your Blog

We already discussed Blogging platform earlier. We start with WordPress.

Step 2: Picking up a domain name and set up a Blog host

Domain name is the address of your Blog. The Blog domain name should be short, catchy and easy to remember.

What is a Blog URL?? It is what people use or type in the URL to access your Blog. We also call it Blog address.

The difference between the domain name and URL is just the real name for the Website and its extension. A domain name is used in a URL.

Web Hosting: Once we get the Blog domain name, we also need space where our Blog is stored online. Today, there are many hosting companies that provide hosting for Blog.

Step 3: Install WordPress

Once you have a Domain name and Hosting. In the next step you have to install WordPress or you can choose WordPress option from the cpanel.

How to Install WordPress

Now in the next screen you will be asked to select your Blog domain name. Choose the Blog domain name from the dropdown and then click “Next”.

After that, you have to enter your Site Name, username, and a password for your site. You also need to check all the checkboxes and then click on the Install.

Installing WordPress

Step 4: Selecting your WordPress Blog Themes

The appearance of WordPress Blog is controlled by the themes. You can change your WordPress theme by first going to your WordPress dashboard and then click on the Appearance » Themes

How to Install WordPress Theme

Click on the “Add New” button and then a new window opens from which you can select any WordPress theme. Once you decide your theme, just hover on it and it shows Install and Active option. You can also change your Blog Layout.

Step 5: Title and Blog Taglines

You should think awesome blog titles for your blog.

A good blog title and tagline is important to drive traffic to your Website. WordPress provide built-in options for your Website. To add a custom tagline, simply login into your WordPress account. Then from dashboard select Settings > General.

Title and Blog Taglines

Step 6: Creating Your First Blog Post

What is a Blog Post and how to create your first Blog Post?

A Blog Post is the entry in the Blog. It is the most important part of a Blog. To create a new post or Blog entry, we have to use the dashboard.

What is a Blog Post and how to create your first Blog Post

As show in Image above, you have to select the “Add New” option from the posts. Then Write Post title and Body. When you finish click on the “Publish” button.

  1. Must ReadHow to Write a Great Blog Post – Key Elements for Beginners

This is how you can create your first Blog post. Once you have a Blog you can make money with it too.

How to Make Money with a Blog

Do you want to start blogging & making money?  Of course you do. Everyone wants to make money. You must have also heard about a lot of Bloggers that are making money just by writing Blogs.

Pat Flynn started his Blog smartpassiveincome. 5-6 years ago, and now he is earning more than $80,000 per month.

Once you have launched your Blog and start getting some traffic. You can make money from your Blog.

How to Make Money From a Blog

Here are the some most common ways that can help you to make money from your Blog.

#1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest marketing forms. In this you have to refer someone any online product. You will receive commission when that person buys that recommended product.

Now the question arises – How companies track the source from where the traffic is coming and making the sales?

Answer is – With the help of tracking URL.

Many online companies offer an affiliate program. You can sign up for that affiliate program and get unique tracking code. Now, you only have to use that tracking code or URL, whenever you are writing about that company.

You will only get a commission when any person, purchases anything from that company only through your tracking URL.

I know you must be thinking to start it now. Then what are you waiting for? Start affiliate marketing now by simply joining any popular program like:

  1. Amazon
  2. Click Bank
  3. LinkShare

#2. Google Adsense

Google AdSense is an advertisement placement service by Google. It is free and easy to use. You can earn money by simply placing ads on your Website or Blog. When any user visits your Website and clicks on the ads Google pays you 68% of what the advertiser pays them.

If you already have a Blog or Website then what you are waiting for? You can start just by signing with Google AdSense.

Here are the few steps to apply for Google AdSense:

Step 1: Firstly search for Google AdSense by typing this keyword in Google. Then click on the “Get started now” blue button.

steps to apply for Google AdSense

Step 2: In the next step, we have to provide our Google account. If you have Google account then you can proceed with it. Otherwise you have to create a new Google account.

Earn money by simply placing ads on your Website or Blog

Step 3: In the next step you have to type the domain of your Website, in the textbox “I will show ads on”. Then select the content language of your Website and click “Continue”.

Step 4: Fill all the details in your AdSense application and then click the blue button “Submit my application”.

How to Apply for Google AdSense

Step 5: When you are finished, you will get the message “Thank you for applying to AdSense”.

#3. Services

You can start providing services using your Blog.

It is the most common way to make income from your Blog as you are selling your time. You can provide services to the readers of your Blog which may be writing, designing, developing, consulting etc.

#4. Digital products

Create and sell eBooks: For Bloggers it is very easy to create an eBook by using your Blog content. You just need to pick a topic and compile an eBook on that topic, after that you can put it on sale on your Blog. It is also a very good way to earn money online.

You can also sell audio, video, themes, plugins, apps, Photos, Website or Blog as a digital product.

#5. Physical products

Many Bloggers use Blog to sell physical product like handmade products, books, manufactured products and more.

Wrapping it up:  

As I wanted to cover all the aspects of a blog and a website, so this post has become a bit extensive.

Writing a blog is an art in itself. A Blog can be more than what you think. You can grow your Business and earn more with the help of a Blog.

Using platform like WordPress it has become very easy to create a blog for yourself and earn some good amount of income.

You can apply all the steps mentioned above step-by-step and launch a blog right now…

what is a blog and how does it work

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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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