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What is Blogger Outreach – Its Importance & How To Do It

What is Blogger Outreach – Its Importance & How To Do It

What is Blogger Outreach?


Blogger outreach is an important marketing strategy adopted by most companies these days.


Companies approaching bloggers to promote their product or service – This is the blogger outreach definition in simple words.


In this article I am concentrating more on how to promote your blog using blogger outreach. So here the product to be promoted is your blog.


Once you create your own blog, you will have to promote your blog so as to boost blog traffic.


There are many ways to do this –

  1. Social media promotion
  2. Blog posts going viral
  3. Engaging and SEO friendly blog posts
  4. Guests posting are few of them


Here we talk about a very effective way for building an online brand image for your blog – reaching out to bloggers in your niche or Blogger Outreach in short.


What is Blogger Outreach – Its Importance & How To Do It


Why Blogger Outreach is Important?


There are few questions troubling most of the budding bloggers out there –

  • How to promote your blog?
  • How to increase blog views?


I am going to answer these questions by discussing about effective blogger outreach strategies to promote your blog.


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For a blogger, blogger outreach is requesting popular bloggers in your niche to promote your blog in their sites. But it is not as easy as it is said.


[inlinetweet prefix=”null” tweeter=”null” suffix=”null”]When you plan to outreach to reach popular bloggers in your niche, it should be done with a proper plan.[/inlinetweet]


If you start doing too much outreach without any proper planning, you might be considered as a spammer instead. We will talk about how to outreach in the right way later in this article.


Before that let’s see the amazing ways in which blogger outreach is going to affect the popularity of your blog.


  • Blogger outreach helps your blog to get noticed – Irrespective of the quality of your content, you will find it difficult to get subscribers for your blog in the initial days.


So you will have to find a fellow blogger to introduce you to his readers.


For instance, if your blog is regarding healthcare products ask bloggers with a large subscription base working in this niche to talk about your articles. In this way more people will come to know about your blog.


Blogger outreach helps your blog to get noticed.Click To Tweet


  • High quality link buildingLink building is an important way to achieve good search engine rankings.


[inlinetweet prefix=”null” tweeter=”null” suffix=”null”]Through blogger outreach you can make other bloggers add a link to your blog in their blogs.[/inlinetweet] This is called link building.


There are mainly two types of links – no follow and do follow links.


Though both types of links would increase your visibility, do follow links are more attractive as they can positively affect your search engine rankings. Thus blogger outreach and SEO are closely related.


  • Build relationship with fellow bloggers – Blogger outreach is not just a source of free traffic to your blog. More than that it’s a way to build productive relationships among bloggers working in the same niche.


This would help in sharing of traffic and would thus be a win-win strategy for all.



how does blogger outreach work


How to do Blogger Outreaching?


As I have already said proper planning is the key to a successful blogger outreach campaign.


From my personal experience, I have drafted certain guidelines and blogger outreach techniques.


This would be helpful for all bloggers – especially who are new to this field.


  • Research about popular blogs in your niche – Do a thorough research about all the popular blogs that are somehow related to your niche.


You can gather information about bloggers from ‘About page. List down the names of these bloggers along with their contact information – email address, social media links, in an excel sheet for your reference.


You don’t need to be too choosy about this list as this is a raw list. So that’s the first step.


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  • Make use of blogger outreach tools – There are some helpful tools that could be used to accomplish first step.


Let’s see few important ones among them. AllTop and Technorati are two useful tools for finding quality blogs in your niche.


You can search for blogs using keywords related to your niche.


FollowerWonk is another famous tool. Here instead of searching for blogs, you can search for famous bloggers in a particular niche.


Let’s not forget Google search here.


[inlinetweet prefix=”null” tweeter=”null” suffix=”null”]Since Google ranks its search results based on the popularity and quality of links, blogs displayed in the first page of Google search results would be useful for you.[/inlinetweet]


So make a rough list of at least 25 popular blogs and you are all set to go.


  • Categorize your listSo you have list of 25 different blogs belonging to the same niche.


One of the biggest blogger outreach mistakes made by many is approaching all these 25 blogs in the list in the same way.


You cannot expect blogs with exceptionally large subscription base to respond to your outreach request in the beginning stage.


So divide your list into four categories – Elite League, Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3.


Elite league blogs are the blogs with the largest number of readers in the niche.


Tier 1 blogs do not have enough readers as the elite league blogs, but they are in the field for some time and have consolidated a good number of loyal subscribers.


Tier 2 blogs are in the growing stage and their subscription base is constantly rising.


Tier 3 blogs are those owned by newbie bloggers.


So the right blogger outreach strategy is to target Tier 2 and Tier 3 bloggers first.


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  • Ways to outreachThe best way to reach other bloggers is through email. It would appear more formal than reaching to them in Social media.


Few things are to be kept in mind while sending emails.


  • Never use outreach templates.
  • Be formal and avoid loose talks.
  • Always highlight what they gain by talking about your blog.
  • Add a brief description about your article you want them to talk about.
  • Select only your best articles for blogger outreaching.
  • Show them that you are a regular follower of their blogs.


Lots of blogger outreach email examples are available online. Go through them and select a style that suits you.


Also look for guest posting blogs. They are also a good way to outreach. You can check out this wonderful beginners guide to guest blogging by Kissmetrics.


Make sure you adopt only white hat SEO strategies for link building as well as for blogger outreach.


If you go by these guidelines you would not have any problems with blogger outreach.


Blogger Outreaching For Other Businesses


Blogger outreaching is not a tactic that can only be used by bloggers. There is a broader term called influencer marketing. Companies search for popular bloggers in niche related to their products or services.


[inlinetweet prefix=”null” tweeter=”null” suffix=”null”]How does blogger outreach work for businesses selling products or services?[/inlinetweet]


These bloggers write reviews about the products in exchange for availing them for free and/or along with monetary benefits. In this way company can reach out to a large audience.


what is blogger outreach

(Picture Source)


The above statistics show that blogs are one of the important factors affecting purchase decisions of buyers.



Most of us have the habit of reading reviews about the products available in market before making a purchase.


So more businesses are taking blogger outreach or influence marketing as a serious marketing strategy to increase sales.


An example of blogger outreachMeal kit delivery service Blue Apron outreached to food blog CarrotsNCake


Few Blogger Outreach Examples in Businesses


  • Lorna Jane, an Australian fitness and fashion brand outreached to popular bloggers in fitness and fashion niche.


They offered them outfits of their liking. In return most bloggers wrote about them in their blogs.


  • The Surprise Collection by Ariel – In this blogger outreach campaign, Ariel sent surprise gift boxes to popular fashion bloggers.


The boxes contained stained designed t-shirts along with an Ariel stain removal product.


Know more about this unique campaign by Ariel through the following video link.



  • Ford Focus Global Test Drive – This is another successful example of blogger outreach campaign conducted by Ford.


When Ford launched Ford Focus, Ford conducted test drives in a very unique way. Ford created test drive invitation videos for popular influencers.


You can check out those videos below. Result of this experiment was golden. More than 75% of influencers shared it with their readers.



Check out this article where different influencers talk about what grabs their attention

Read more about successful blogger outreach examples here.


To Conclude


So far in this article, I discussed blogger outreach both from a blogger’s as well as business’ perspective. The approach is almost same in both cases.


[inlinetweet prefix=”null” tweeter=”null” suffix=”null”]If strategically implemented, blogger outreach or influencer marketing is a very effective way to reach a wider audience.[/inlinetweet]


So level up your game and go for the kill! Good Luck!


What is Blogger Outreach

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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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