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What is Bounce Rate and How to Drastically Reduce It?

What is Bounce Rate and How to Drastically Reduce It?

Is your website suffering from the plight of a high bounce rate?


For many ongoing online businesses, the term ‘Bounce Rate’ is still unknown. For such websites, it is imperative to have a proper knowledge of the following:

  • What is Bounce Rate?
  • What is a good bounce rate for your website?
  • Is a high bounce rate good or bad?
  • How to reduce bounce rate?


Now, if you do not know the answers to these, I am here to help you with the comprehensive knowledge of the terminology ‘Bounce Rate’.


An Insight into the Bounce Rate Definition:


For those who make business online or run a blog:

  • Bounce Rate is a deterministic parameter to evaluate the efficiency and success of the online website.


What is Bounce Rate and How to Drastically Reduce It?


Bounce rate Google analytics defines it as “the percentage of single-page visits”. It is used to determine the sticky nature of a particular website.



[inlinetweet prefix=”null” tweeter=”null” suffix=”null”]In other words, it signifies the amount of interest a visitor to your website takes in the content or the products and services offered by your business.[/inlinetweet]


It is measured statistically as the percentage the visitors land on your page without browsing anything else.


How to Calculate Bounce Rate?


If viewed mathematically, the bounce rate formula for as given by the Google Analytics is as follows:

Rb = (Tv / Te )

Where Rb is the calculated Bounce Rate; Tv is the total number of visits viewing One Page Only and Te is the Total Entries to the Page.


How is Bounce Rate Calculated


What is an Acceptable Bounce Rate?


Most of the online business owners have this common doubt about the ideal and normal bounce rate for blogs posted on their website. They have confusion about the bounce rate benchmark for rating it as good or average bounce rate.


 According to Jay Peyton, an adequate percentage of typical BR falls between 26% and 70%. As per his study, the average bounce rate for any website was found to be 49%.



Bounce Rate


As indicated by the experts, a high bounce rate signifies that the viewers are not finding the relevant data or content onto your website and are thus “bouncing off”.



This is where some action is called upon to keep the visitors on the landing page without browsing anything else.

  • So, there remains a heightened need to decrease bounce rate for your website.


Bounce Rate Vs Exit Rate:


Indeed, many people might not yet be aware of the term “exit rate”. It is commonly related to the bounce rate and is defined as the percentage of the visitors who actually visited a few pages of the website and then, eventually left.


Bounce Rate Vs Exit Rate


Now, you must have understood the difference between the bounce rate and the exit rate. In contrast to the bounce rate, the exit rate is a measure of the multi-page visits and sessions.


During a single session, the viewer had visited multiple pages of your website before making the exit. Though not as dreaded as the bounce rate, yet it can have substantially affected the traffic and outcome of your website.


How to Make Use of the Website Bounce Rate Checker?


For an online business or a blogger which heavily relies on the incoming traffic of the potential customers or readers, bounce rate for their website plays a significant role in evaluating the success of their business.



Hence, it is imperative for them to make a regular analysis of the number of visitors and the substantial bounce rate.


Google Analytic Tool To Check Bounce Rate


We would recommend such online portals to make the analysis periodically with the help of Google Analytics which will help in reviewing the bounce rate for your top landing pages.


How to Scale Down the Bounce Rate?


Now that you have learned about the terminologies related to the bounce rate, you must be eager to know about the ways to cut down the higher rates of bounce in your website.

Have a read to learn about the steps to trim the bounce rate for your website:


How to Scale Down Bounce Rate


  • Adjust Your Bounce Rate: Initially you need to evaluate the time a customer spends on your website. This will help in determining the bounce rate for your website using the Google Analytics.


Once you have analyzed the same, you need to adjust it accordingly which will help you get the required conversions.


Another useful technique to adjust the bounce rate given by Google is by making use of the Google Tag Manager.


  • Make Your Content Readable: One of the most prominent reasons for the viewers to exit from the landing page of your website is the presence of irrelevant content on your website.


For example, it is very common for the blogging and news publishing websites that the visitors exit the landing as soon as they had arrived on the main page.



These viewers usually come to read some relevant content as per their requirement. However, when they encounter irrelevant and unsatisfactory content, they leave the website without browsing any further.


Dont Post Irrelevant Content


  • Make Your Content Concise: Mostly the larger chunks of the content on your website tend to scare the readers away.


Hence, writing and posting very lengthy content must be avoided. Instead, make it informative with the use of fewer lines and more infographic with images and gifs.


These methods have been known to keep the readers engaged for a longer period of time.


By analyzing the good quality of your website’s content, the visitors might also visit the subsequent pages of your website. This will substantially reduce the bounce rate for your website.



Readability Test Tool


You can make use of this Readability Test Tool. It is an easy and quick way of testing the readability of your work.


  • Make Less Use of Popups: As per a survey in 2013, it was found that 70% of the people found the irrelevant advertisements and popups annoying.


Writing from a reader’s point of view, no one wants the annoying popups to zoom out on the screen as this heavily disrupts the flow of reading.


No Pop Ups


If your blog or website is filled with such popups, the visitors are more likely to depart from it without trying to visit another page of your website. Try to limit the number of popups and make them as less scary as possible.


  • Increase the Number of Landing Pages: One way to increase the conversion rate and trim the bounce rate is to stimulate the number of landing pages of your website.


As per a study conducted by Neil Patel of QuickSprouts it was revealed that those companies which had more than landing pages received a higher number of leads than those which had less number of landing pages.


So by keeping a low note of the number of landing pages, you give a chance to the visitors to bounce off without bringing the necessary conversion for your website.


Increase the Number Of Landing Pages


  • Enhance the Page Loading Speed: Speed is another limiting factor to the increased bounce rate for your website.


A web page which might take several seconds to load its content will definitely not be re-visited by the viewers.


Website Page Loading Time


In this rapidly racing life, no one would wait for the content to be fully loaded for a considerably long period of time and then, proceed to read it.



The result is the immediate exit of the visitor. So improve the speed with which your website loads on the reader’s system.


Website Speed Test


You can check the page loading speed of you website or blog using this free speed test tool by Pingdom or alternatively at  Google PageSpeed Insights.


  • Enhance the Design: Is your landing web page clumsy with full of irrelevant designs, hue combinations, unformatted content and irritating popups?


Then, you have all the correct reason for the higher bounce rate. The content and the design of the website need to be attractive graphically as well as in terms of user readability.


Though content might be the king, pay some needful attention to the overall design of your website as well.


  • Focus on the Niche: When the readers have visited your website with the intent to satisfy the query they had, they would not like to be offered irrelevant content on their platter.


Focus on Your Niche


Hence, it is vital to stick to the main theme of the content by following the niche of your website.


For example, if your website delivers financial services, it is recommended to post content related to the financial issues and concerns. This will bring substantial traffic to your website.


  • Make Your ‘Call to Action’ Prominent: According to a survey conducted by SmallBizTrends, as many as 70% of the businesses suffer due to the lack of proper call to action mechanism.


Call to Action


This owes to the higher bounce rate and the lower conversion rate. It is crucial to have a striking CTA. The users must be compelled to click and view the other side of the content offered by your website.



Even the smallest change like changing the shape or display of the text box might do the trick. This might entice the readers to click on the button to subsequently land on the other page of your website, thereby, increasing the conversion rate.



Check out this Infographic below, it graphically defines how to lower your website’s bounce rate.

Look Below


Infographic Courtesy of: Quick Sprout


Over to You


Hope this article proved beneficial to your quest of the know-how of the bounce rate and how to lower or reduce it to result in an increased traffic and subsequently increased conversion rate for your website. We wish good luck to you for your success in the online business.


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What is Bounce Rate and How to Drastically Reduce It?

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Gaurav Jain
Article by Gaurav Jain
Hey There! My name is Gaurav Jain, a full time affiliate marketer since 2007. The reason for starting eMoneyIndeed.Com blog is to help you Save & Make Money Online. I write about Blogging, Online Marketing, Webhosting, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Startups, Social Media, Email Marketing and more. Hope you enjoy the posts on eMoneyIndeed.com

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